17. i hear the secrets that you keep

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"It's so good to have you back, Y/N!"

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"It's so good to have you back, Y/N!"

You sent a grateful smile to Bradley before he became a fleeting blur with the rest of the fast students in the hallway, "Thanks."

"Wow, Y/N, hey!" Nelly spoke, hanging by the wall as you passed. Next to her stood Red, who gave you a nod of acknowledgment.

"Hey girls!" You greeted warmly, before continuing on your trip to homeroom.

It was your first day back since everything had gone down and you felt very welcomed to say the least.

"This is insane. Nobody cared even a quarter of this amount when I was gone for two whole weeks to get my gallbladder removed." Craig ranted from your side, holding up two fingers to emphasise his time gone.

"I cared!" You insisted before quickly plastering another smile onto your face, "Heidi!"

"Hey! How are you? Is everything alright? Don't tell me Kyle tried anything on you at the party, did he?" The girl bombarded you with questions.

"No! Nothing like that! Kyle's good. We're good." You briskly corrected. The last thing you guys needed were rumours of Kyle trying things at the party floating around.

"That's such a relief. Well, I've got to go. I'll see you around Y/N!" She turned to leave, before spinning back around. "Oh, sorry, see you too Craig!"

"Bye-" Before Craig could finish his sentence, Heidi had already bolted down the hall.

He grumbled, "This is exactly what i'm talking about." You just chuckled.

You had decided not to tell anyone explicitly about how things with Kyle were going. Well, you weren't exactly lying about it either. You two were on good terms!

You just weren't mentioning the new romantic aspect of it. The two of you had agreed it was better this way since what people didn't know, they couldn't ruin. Cough Cartman.

"Y/N!" Another voice distantly interrupted your daydreams.

"Stan!" You exclaimed, noticing him standing by the lockers. You motioned at the boy to come over.

"Just great." Craig muttered, casting a glance in the direction of the approaching quarterback. "I've got to go."

You couldn't help but sigh at his attitude. "Oh come on. A few minutes with Stan won't kill you."

"I'll meet you in class." He offered instead.

"Craig!" Was he seriously going to leave because Stan was coming over? Actually, you probably should've expected that. If there's one thing teenage boys are not, it's mature.

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