18. sideline watching

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Much like Craig's sexuality, and the packet of off-brand chips you were currently eating, you and Kyle had no labels

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Much like Craig's sexuality, and the packet of off-brand chips you were currently eating, you and Kyle had no labels.

Which essentially meant your relationship was up to interpretation. You weren't even sure what to interpret it as, to be honest, but you never spent much time dwelling on it. You just knew you enjoyed what you had.

Being able to continue being friends, whilst also reaping the benefits of a relationship, without the confinements of a label.

Most people would claim that's complicated.

But you liked to think of it as your own modern take on two people who like each-other.

"Hey!" You suddenly exclaimed, witnessing Kyle–speak of the devil–stealing one of your chips straight from the packet in your hands. Hath he no shame?

"What?" He murmured, not seeing any fault in his actions. "You always steal my food."

Lately, it's become very apparent that Kyle has grown to be quite comfortable around you. If him stealing your food back was anything to go by. But you actually preferred it this way; you got to see more of his real self as well as his childish side.

"Yeah, but I'm just a girl... so it's allowed."

"Now you can't argue with that incredible logic." Craig chimed in, causing everyone to laugh including you. It was indeed incredible logic.

It was break, and you were relaxing at your usual table with most of your friends. It felt really good to be able to be with everybody again. You vowed to never make things awkward amongst the group again.

Well. Maybe. You couldn't predict the future.

From where you sat, you could see Wendy stalking up to your table with her lunch tray. You'd been wondering about her whereabouts, as this was the first time you were seeing her today.

The closer she came, the more you could make out the annoyed expression on her face. Which was pretty typical.

"Does anybody know where Magic Mike went?" She sighed, not even bothering to greet her friends upon arriving.

"Kenny?" Stan bit into his sandwich. "I think he's in the bathroom, why?"

"He's in my stupid shop class group and I wanted to allocate roles for our project. You know, since I've already got Scott waiting, but I can't find him anywhere."

"You're in shop class?" Butters asked, genuine confusion in his innocent tone. "But Wendy, you're not a guy!"

Her narrowed brown eyes in response seemed to be enough for Butters not to question any further.

"It's lunch, let the guy rest. You can allocate roles during class or some shit." Cartman spoke up, coming to his friend's defence.

"Only slackers allocate roles in class, Cartman. That's why you're getting the marks that you are." She sniped, earning a glare from him followed by some incoherent muttering.

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