8. steal my cotton candy heart

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Your english class was a loud bustle of socialisation

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Your english class was a loud bustle of socialisation. It was usually like this, since Mr Garrison was always more interested in talking to his newest boyfriend of the month, than teaching the class.

But hey, the students didn't mind. Especially you, since you were currently immersed in talking to your own friends.

Nichole tapped your shoulder, pulling you out of a conversation you were having with Jimmy about fish sticks. "Hey girl, me and Stendy are going to go to the bathroom but then really leave to get coffee. You in?" She questioned, pointing out Wendy and Stan who were going to come with.

You gave her a pout. "I'm kinda worn out, babe. But please bring me back a [fave/drink]." You reached into your bag for money, before Nichole latched onto your hand to stop it.

"Y/N, please. You think I'm some kind of charity case? No offence Kenny."

Kenny simply gave Nichole a pointed look from his seat.

"I'm buying you it. Okay?"

"No Nic, you don't need to do that, take it." You tried to push the money into her hands, that were curled up away from you.

"No. No!" She quickly turned to run off, before you could try again.

"Nichole!" You shouted in disbelief, finally standing up and watching her bolt away.

Stan and Wendy gave each other a concerned look, before deciding that they should probably run out as well.

"I'm buying you it!" You could hear echo from the hallways.

You just shook your head at her extra-ness, before slumping back down in your seat. You decided that you were lucky to have her as a friend.

"Worn out?" Bebe questioned from her seat next to yours. "Since when are you too worn out? And for coffee at that?"

"Since... now. I'm getting old, Bebe, you know that!" The blonde girl laughed at your oddness, but thought nothing more of it.

Of course, Bebe didn't need to know the real reason as to why you didn't go with. Which was the very non weird fact that you'd just prefer to stay here at the moment.

With Kyle who was sitting across from you reading a book.

"So guys, who's going to that carnival thing tomorrow?" Kenny questioned, carelessly playing with a lighter. How he managed to sneak that in? No one knew.

"The S-s-sunny Snowflake Carnival, right?" Jimmy asked, earning a nod from Kenny.

"I am so pumped for that." Came Cartman's input, who was also in your little circle.

"Oh yeah, that. You guys have fun!" Bebe chimed.

You looked at her with a confusion-filled frown. "You guys?" You repeated.

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