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jisung woke up in cold sweat, his hands were shaking and he instantly called out for his best friend, who came running over as soon as he heard him.

"sung..you're alright" felix hugged the boy, "i'm here, you're okay" he gently rubbed the back of his head as jisung pressed his face against felix's shoulder.

the brunette sobbed as felix ran his hands through his hair, "i'm here sung" they sat together until jisung calmed down. felix refused to leave him alone, he didn't move back to his own bed that night.

jisung didn't sleep after that.

the next morning was even worse for him, the lack of sleep made him irritable and lazy. he didn't go down for breakfast and didn't go to his lessons. jisung sat in his bed for most of the day, trying his best to get some sleep, but nothing worked.

eventually, he ended up going to the library and looking for new books to read.

he was looking through the bookshelves when he heard someone speak from behind him, "it's a good book, the song of achilles, you keep looking back at it"

"oh yeah..can't decide if i want to read it or not" jisung replied, looking over at minho.

"you should, it's one of my favourites" he picked up a copy from the bookshelf and handed it to jisung, "if you don't like it, i'll suggest another one"

the brunette took the book from minho, "thanks.."

"were you here for another nap?" he noticed that minho had followed him to the couches, "you do look tired"

"no..just got bored today" he replied, why did talking to minho feel so fucking awkward.

"why not spend time with felix?" he asked, sitting down next to him.

"he's in lesson..i didn't feel like going to mine today" jisung opened the book, hoping minho would leave him alone.

"i hope you enjoy the book jisung" minho threw his bag over his shoulder and walked away from him.

the brunette let out a sigh of relief, "finally.."


felix sat down in front of jisung, "i'm telling you jisung, minho is trying to steal you from me" he complained about his brother, "he came up to me today and asked me for your number"

jisung looked up from his book, "what?" he shut the book, "why would he want my number?"

the blonde shrugged, "because he wants to steal my friends" he frowned, "because he hates me"

"jisung he literally never talks to me, he ignored me all summer and now suddenly he talks to me because he wants your number..has he ever even talked to you??"

he shook his head, "not properly..just says hi sometimes..did you give it to him?" he asked, some part of him hoped felix would say yes.

"of course not! you're my best friend" he snapped back, "ugh.."


the next day, jisung ran into minho again at the library. this time it was a little less awkward but still felt weird. they sat together for a while and talked about books they both liked.

"you know, you're actually quite nice" jisung said.

"felix made me sound that bad? damn.." he scoffed, "i promise i'm not as mean as he says i am"

jisung nodded, he needed to go to his lesson now but before he left, he pulled out a pen and paper, quickly scribbling his number on it and handing it to minho.

"don't tell lix.." he smiled slightly, "see you later"

minho smiled at the piece of the paper and then at jisung, who was already walking away.


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