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"felix we were gonna tell you, it's not mins fault, i told him not to tell you" jisung defended minho, "don't be angry at him.."

"oh i'm angry, i'm angry at both of you" felix stated, "you know how i feel about him ji, and you" he turned to his brother, "he's my best friend for fucks sake"

"felix i know and i'm sorry, i really am..please just blame me, i started this relationship" jisung looked over at minho who was still trying to process the situation, "it's not his fault"

"it is his fault, it's always his fault" felix raised his voice, "you were the one person i had left and he just took you away!" he turned to minho again, "you're so fucking selfish minho, you always fuck up-"

jisung cut him off, "felix, please shut up" he reached for minhos hand, "stop blaming him, stop making him feel even worse than he already does!"

"it was all me lix, i told him to keep it a secret, i started our relationship, i confessed" jisung frowned, "just stop blaming him"

minho hadn't said anything and he kept his head down as his little brother complained about him.

he held his tears back as felix started to yell again, "no, he can't have you, he can't keep getting away with this! h-he can't keep taking away the people i love"

the blonde looked at jisung, "you're my best friend, you're like the brother i never had"

"well, i was the brother y-you did have" minho said as tears escaped his eyes, "i was the brother who got hurt so you didn't have to! i was the one who got blamed for e-everything"

he let go of his boyfriends hand and walked over to felix, "i was the brother who protected you, loved you even after you h-hated me and i still am that brother felix..i'm still that same person you blame, the same brother you hate"

"the same brother you chose to fucking ignore and push away even when i needed you" minho screamed at him, "so i'm sorry i screwed your best friend felix, but i'm not sorry for taking him away because you don't fucking deserve him!"

felix stared at his brother, surprised that he'd actually said something, "i'm not sorry for falling in love with him" minho said as he wiped his tears.

the blonde stepped forward and suddenly grabbed his brothers collar, punching him across the face. jisung came running over and pushed felix away, instantly grabbing minhos face and inspecting it.

he then turned back to felix and yelled "what the fuck lix!"

"thats what you get for fucking my best friend" he turned around and left the room, slamming the door shut as he did.


uh oh 😟

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