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jisung paced back and forth, "felix it's been a whole day, where is he" minho still hadn't shown up, texted or called. "i don't know where he is, i d-don't know if he's okay"

he bit his fingernails anxiously, tears building up in his eyes, "where the fuck is he!"

felix was worried too, not only about minho but about jisung as well. the whole day his best friend had been panicking and stressed, the lack of sleep and the anxiety surrounding his boyfriend's whereabouts put him on edge.

felix tried to keep both himself and jisung calm, but it wasn't working. the brunette kept assuming the worst.

"has he ever done something like this before?" jisung asked, "like just disappeared for no reason"

the blonde took a few seconds to think, "um the last time he did this was when he ran away from home..that's about it"

"han stop worrying, i'm sure he'll show up soon" he reassured the boy, "could you please try to get some sleep?"

jisung shook his head, "not until i know he's safe"

felix sighed, "sung please..you can't stay awake the whole night" he tried to convince his best friend to lay down, "get into bed at least"

he groaned, walking over to his bed, "fine.." he pulled the blanket off the bed and got in, felix noticed jisung was still wearing minhos clothes.

"he'll come back ji, he always does" felix frowned.

minho always comes back, right?


the next morning, there was still no sign of minho, so they waited another day but even then no one knew where he was. his phone was still going to voicemail and he hadn't replied to anyone's messages.

it had been almost four days and no one has seen him. at this point, more of minhos friends had realised that the boy was missing. chan kept asking jisung and felix for updates and even seungmin was worried.

jisungs anxiety got worse over the days that minho was missing, he didn't sleep and even stopped eating because of how stressed he was. he didn't know what to do with himself, he just wanted minho.

chan had agreed to swap rooms with jisung and felix until minho came back, he knew that staying in minhos room would make jisung feel a little better.

felix walked into the room and frowned when he saw jisung laying on minhos bed, hugging his blanket.

he sat down next to jisung and rested his hand on the boys head, playing with his hair, "hannie..you have to eat something"

the brunette didn't reply.

"come on..even if it's something small" he frowned as he looked down at jisung, "seung bought you some fruits"

he still didn't reply.

"ji, you can't do this to yourself..he's going to come back" felix said, "please just eat something"

"i don't want it" he replied quietly.

"then what do you want? i'll try get it for you" the blonde asked.

jisung took a deep breath, not looking away from the wall he'd been staring at for hours, "i want minho"


sorry not sorry

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