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felix jumped out of the car and took a deep breath, "ah i love summer" he put his sunglasses on and ran to get his things out of the back of the car, changbin followed and helped.

minho picked up the picnic basket and held
onto jisungs hand as they walked down to the beach, "the sea looks pretty today" the boy said as he put the basket on the sand.

"hm it does" jisung turned around and smiled at felix and changbin who were running towards them.

he then turned to minho again, "wanna go into the water?"

"maybe later..right now i just want to sit with you" he held onto jisungs other hand, bringing it up to his face and kissing it.

they smiled and sat down on the sand, minho put his arm around jisung and laughed as changbin and felix ran past them.

"get back here!" the dark haired boy yelled, running behind felix and grabbing him by his waist.

he picked him up and carried him to the water, dropping him into the sea, "fuck it's so cold!" felix screamed and splashed changbin with the water.

jisung smiled at them, it was nice seeing his best friend so happy, "you know, lixie has had a crush on him since we were 12"

minho laughed, "no way, it's been that long?"

he nodded, "yeah..he only had the courage to confess this year because changbin would be gone after this..i'm so happy he didn't get rejected"

"well, it's good he did because bin would've never confessed first" minho said, "what about you sung, did you have feelings for me before this year?"

he shook his head, "nope, i thought you were attractive but i never liked you before this year"

minho frowned, "that's upsetting because i started liking you a while ago..i was in denial of
course because how could i like my brothers best friend?"

"but when we started talking this year, i couldn't deny it anymore" he explained.

jisung smiled at him.

"should we go into the water?" he asked when he saw changbin and felix walking towards them.

"yeah let's go" minho stood up and offered his hand to help jisung get up.

jisung held onto it as he got up too, he pulled on his hand as he ran towards the sea.


minho laughed, "i hate you so much" he ran his hands though his hair, which was now soaking wet.

jisung laughed too, "you could never hate me min" he placed his hands on minhos shoulders and got onto his tiptoes, reaching up to kiss him.

"i really nope felix stays at changbin's place tonight.." minho said before kissing jisung again.

"if not..we could just play really loud music" jisung winked, walking off towards his best friend.

minho scoffed and followed behind him, "where did changbin go?" he asked his brother.

"to the car, he left his camera on the back seat" he said as the pair sat down next to him.

jisung picked up the jacket he'd bought with him and reached into the pockets, "wanna join me?" he said, holding up a lighter and a little box.

felix groaned, "ugh you know i hate it when you smoke..i'm going to binnie" the blonde got up and walked away, leaving minho and jisung by themselves.

minho shrugged and reached for the little box in jisungs hand, opening it and taking out a cigarette. he placed it between his lips and jisung lit it for him. he exhaled the smoke and passed it to jisung.

"you shouldn't look good doing that" minho said as jisung blew the smoke out of his mouth, "but you do, you always look so good"

"shut up min.." the brunette blushed.

the older boy smirked as he took the cigarette from jisung, "seriously sung, how do you always look so pretty"

he rolled his eyes and snatched the cigarette away from him, "you're such a flirt" jisung placed it between his lips.

minho watched carefully as jisung tilted his head backwards and blew smoke into the air, his eyes were focused on the boys lips the whole time.


changbin hugged felix, kissing the top of his head, "tired?"

"mhm..i used up all my energy" he frowned, "i want to go home now"

"we'll go home soon, let's just wait for them to get back..then we can go back to mine and relax" he ran his fingers though felix's hair.

felix smiled, "yours? i thought you were gonna come stay with me for a bit"

"i think we should give minho and jisung some
space..they've been very affectionate today"

"oh yeah right, maybe it is best i stay with you for a bit"

the pair laughed.


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