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christmas holidays came faster than expected, everyone was gathered in the main hall for the christmas assembly and the students who were going home for the holiday were leaving right after.

felix stood opposite jisung, almost crying, he hated going home for the holidays and always tried to stay back but this year his parents were forcing him to go back home.

"i'll call you i promise" he hugged his best friend, "it'll be alright lix"

"three whole weeks with them ji..i don't know how i'm going to survive" he frowned, he didn't like his house, especially when minho wasn't there.

he hated to admit it but he always wanted minho with him at christmas, he always missed him.

felix looked over to his brother who was saying goodbye to his own friends, he took a few deep breaths and then walked over to him.

"are you not coming back?" he asked.

"no..sorry lix you know i can't-"

minho was cut off by felix, "of course you can't"
he scoffed, "you do this every year min" felix started to walk away but minho stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"felix please..you know why i can't come home.." he was going to say something else but then decided to stay silent.

"you're pathetic" the blonde said.

"lix..listen" he said with a serious tone in his voice, "you cannot tell them about changbin okay? and please don't let him hu-"

"i'm not stupid minho" felix pushed his arm away, "i'm not you" and with that he walked away, leaving minho by himself.


jisung was sat on minhos bed, arms wrapped around his boyfriend and head against his chest. he'd noticed that minho had been upset since felix had talked to him earlier.

"was felix mean again?" jisung broke the silence, "i can tell him to stop being so mean"

he shook his head, "no he wasn't mean..he was just too honest" he sighed, moving his arm away from jisungs shoulder and massaging his own temples, "i should've just gone home"

jisung sat up too, "min..i wouldn't have let you do that..i already hate that felix was forced to go home and i wasn't letting you go too"

"if they're as bad as felix says they are then there was no way i was going to be okay with you spending three weeks with them"

minho blinked and tears fell from his eyes, "that's exactly why i needed to go home..so felix doesn't have to see that version of them"

jisung wiped the tears from minhos cheek, "sung it's my fault..he's my little brother i should be there to protect him"

he didn't know what to say, "it's alright min"

"if i hadn't been so s-stupid things would be perfectly fine right now" he leaned his head on jisungs shoulder and cried, "it's all my fault.."

jisung ran his hands through minhos hair to comfort him, "he'll be okay min..they like him and felix only went back because he knows that they won't hurt him"

"he hates me so much ji..i ruined everything for him" minho sobbed. "i ruined our family"

the brunette frowned, he hated seeing his boyfriend like his, "you didn't ruin anything love.." jisung said softly.


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