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after they'd finished their cigarette, they gathered their things and headed back to the car, where changbin and felix were waiting for them.

they ate some of the snacks felix had prepared for them before deciding to go get ice cream from one of the shops near by. jisung decided to be a tease and eat his popsicle in a really suggestive way which ended with him getting yelled at by minho.

"han jisung!" he yelled, "just eat it normally"

the brunette shrugged when felix turned to him, "i don't know what he's talking about..i'm just trying to enjoy it" he said innocently.

after finishing their ice creams, they got everything back into the car and changed into their dry clothes before sitting in the car and putting the navigation on.

the journey back home felt tiring and long, they'd gotten stuck in some traffic and at one point, minho was the only one awake, everyone else had fallen asleep. he turned the music up slightly to keep himself awake.

once minho had arrived outside changbin's house, he pulled over to the side of the road and decided to shut his eyes for a bit as he didn't want to wake anyone else up and also wanted to get some rest.

he was woken up a few minutes later by jisungs voice, "get up guys..go home and sleep" he said to felix and changbin, "we're tired as well.."

the blonde nodded, "oh yeah sorry..didn't realise we were already here" he took his seatbelt off.

after dropping the two off, jisung decided it was best that he drove home as minho seemed exhausted, "but you don't like driving.." the boy argued.

"i don't mind it, just close your eyes..get some rest" jisung started the car and minho nodded, resting his head against the window.


minho pushed open the bedroom door and instantly jumped onto the bed, "i'm so tired.."

"i know love..but we have to shower before we can get into bed" jisung pulled on minhos arm to get him off their bed, "come on" he dragged him to the bathroom, switching on the light as he stepped into it.

minho smirked when he saw jisung take his shirt off, his hands snaked around the boys waist and pulled him closer.

"i thought you were tired?" jisung said, pushing minho away as he unzipped his jeans.

the grey haired boy pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it onto the bathroom floor, "mhm not anymore"

jisung scoffed, stepping into the shower and turning the water on.


"no no you're doing it wrong!" jisung corrected the position of minhos fingers on the guitar, "press down here" he placed his hand on top of minhos and helped him play the chord.

the boy smiled as jisung guided him, "okay now strum with your other hand"

minho did as he said and then turned around, looking for a look of approval in his boyfriends eyes, "was that any better?" he asked.

jisung nodded, "much better"

"alright now your turn" he passed the guitar to jisung, who adjusted the sound of it before deciding what song to play, "play anything" minho said.

"okay" jisung started playing a song from the top of his head, minho didn't recognise it but it sounded nice.

he watched jisungs fingers as they carefully moved along the neck of the guitar, his hands looked so delicate holding it. his smile grew as jisung started to hum to the tune and minho watched in awe.

"did you like it?" the brunette placed his guitar on the bed and rested his hands in his lap. "i wrote it myself"

"it was beautiful, you're beautiful" minho complimented him, "play something else, please?"

jisung nodded and picked up his guitar again, this time he played something a little more familiar. minhos eyes were on jisungs hands again, he sighed as his boyfriends fingers moved up and down the strings.

as soon as the music stopped, minho grabbed the boys face and kissed him. jisung pulled away for a second to take his glasses off and throw them towards the ground.

minho groaned when jisung kissed him again and climbed onto his lap, "i've been waiting all fucking day for this"


we need angst guys, we need to spice things up

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