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felix didn't leave jisungs side for the next two days, every time he tried to get up and leave, felix would follow him which meant that jisung hadn't seen minho at all.

"could you please stop following me.." jisung stopped in the middle of the hallway, he was so sick of it.

"what if you disappear again? i can't let that happen" felix argued.

"felix i don't need to be followed into the fucking bathroom.." he sighed, "i promise i won't wander off and i'll come right back to you, okay?"

the blonde sighed, "whatever..if you don't come bac-"

"felix just go, please!" jisung just wanted to see minho. "i know you're worried about me but please let me have some alone time.."

he nodded, "okay..i'm sorry i'll go" felix turned around and walked off, finally leaving jisung alone.

the brunette smiled to himself as he walked over to the second floor bathrooms, where minho was still waiting for him.

"oh i missed you so much" jisung wrapped his arms around minhos neck, "felix just wouldn't leave me alone.."

minho laughed, "it's alright, he's just worried about you" he kissed the top of jisungs head, "do you think i can come to your room tonight?"

jisung shrugged as he pulled away from the hug, "i don't know, i'll try convince felix to go see changbin but i'm not sure if he'll go"

"let's hope he does because i don't think i can fall asleep tonight without you by my side" minho caressed his cheek, "we could go back to my room now and-"

"i can't min..i promised felix i'd go back to meet him" they both frowned, "i'll try get lix out of the room tonight, okay?"

minho nodded and jisung leaned forward to kiss his cheek, "i'll see you later"


"so..how are you and changbin" jisung asked, pouring himself some water, "i bet he misses you"

"i miss him too" felix frowned as he stabbed his food with a fork, "he texted me and asked me to sleep in his room tonight"

jisungs head shot up, now all he had to do was convince felix to leave the room tonight, "you should go..i mean you've been stuck by my side for almost three days"

"yeah but i'm-"

"you should go felix, i'll make sure jisungs alright" seungmin joined the conversation, "i know you're worried about him so i'll check up on him throughout the night"

jisung looked over to seungmin and smiled, "see..i'll be fine"

felix sighed, "okay..just please call me if anything happens and please try to sleep for once"

"of course felix, now go!!" he said as felix got up and walked over to changbin. he whispered something in his ear before they both walked out of the hall.

"thank you seungmin.." jisung smiled again, "genuinely, i mean it"

"it's the least i could do..you haven't seen minho in a while and it's obviously getting to you" he laughed as jisung scoffed.

"what's that supposed to mean!" he argued.

"you're stressed ji, maybe he'll help you relax a little" seungmin winked and jisung wanted to die on the spot.

his face went bright pink, "you can't say stuff like that!"

seungmin laughed, "i didn't say anything like that, you just inferred that i said something like that"

jisung covered his face with his hands.


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