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{the next few chaps explain where minho went, so just a tw, abuse is mentioned, also some homophobic comments are made}

minho was making his way over to jisungs room when his phone started ringing, he looked at the called id.

'home', his heart began to race as his finger hovered over the accept option, he shook his head and declined the call. seconds later his phone started ringing again, it was the same caller id.

he picked up, hoping that they would just end the call and say that they called by accident.

"minho, how are you dear?" it was his moms voice, he felt sick hearing it. "you know, you really upset me when you didn't come home for christmas..your father and i were so excited to see you"

minho felt frozen, he didn't know what to say, "i-uh.."

"you really disappointed us minmin" the nickname bought back so many horrible memories, he wanted to cry.

his mother could hear his uneven breathing, "you better not me crying minho, boys aren't meant to cry are they?"

minho wanted to end the call but he couldn't move, "then again you never really did what boys are meant to do.."

he felt like a scared 14 year old again, "be in the principals office in ten minutes minmin, it's either you or felix"

she ended the call but minho was still frozen, he hadn't talked to his mom in over three years and hearing her voice terrified him. in his opinion, she was worse than his dad. she made him feel like he could trust her and then manipulated him into telling her everything.

she not only physically hurt him, but scarred him emotionally. minho was still terrified of her, he hated being around her and hated that he was so easily manipulated by her.

minho took a few minutes to gather himself and then started walking towards the principals office, he wasn't going to let felix get hurt because of him, not again.

he froze when he reached the door, he really didn't want to go inside.

turn around, a voice in his head was screaming at him to just turn around and run away, but he couldn't. so after taking a few more deep breaths, minho knocked on the door and let himself into the office.

he went pale when he saw his parents standing next to the principal, fuck. minho felt dizzy, why did he come here? why didn't he just run away again?

"ah perfect" his mother turned to face him, smiling maliciously, "should we go home now?"

no. they can't take me home, "b-but-"

"don't worry minho, we've talked to your teachers and they've allowed you some time
off" his dad spoke and minho instantly faced the floor, "we've got a lot of things to talk about"

he nodded his head, still looking down, "y-yeah.."

minho held back his tears as his parents escorted him out of the office and towards the front of the school.



what do i have to do to prove that i don't hate you guys.

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