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minho woke up to jisung practically laying on top of him, he laughed when he saw the boys face; his hair was messy and he was fast asleep, his arms were still wrapped tightly around minho and he had kicked off half his blanket.

he ran his hands through the brunettes fluffy hair, being careful to avoid waking him up. minho had missed waking up next to jisung, he leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead.

he slowly moved jisung away as he shuffled out of bed, he went over to his desk and picked up his phone. there were messages from felix, chan and jisung which were almost a week old now, but there were also new ones from his parents.

he took a deep breath before reading the messages, they were horrible. minho shut his phone off and shoved his face into his hands.

why did he ever go back?

he'd gotten out but he still hadn't escaped, him and felix were not safe even though they weren't with their parents.

just as he felt himself panicking, he felt a hand on his shoulder. at first he jumped up out of his chair, stumbling backwards, but when he noticed it was jisung, he calmed down.

"s-sorry.." minho apologised, leaning against the desk, "i'm still a bit paranoid.."

"it's okay love, no need to be sorry" jisung rubbed his eyes, obviously still feeling tired, "i shouldn't have snuck up on you"

he shook his head, "no it's okay, i'll be back to normal in no time" minho reached for jisungs hand, he caressed the back of it with his thumb.

"we have to tell someone min..what they did is not oka-"

minho cut him off, "i'm fine aren't i? we're not telling anyone"

"but minho you're not fine" jisung frowned.

"i said i'm fine jisung, now drop it" he sounded more serious than he'd ever been, jisung nodded and minhos gaze softened again, "thank you"

he pulled jisung closer and bought one of his hands up to his face, "min..can we at least talk about it? i don't want you hurting by yourself"

minho rolled his eyes, "jisung i don't want to talk about it..stop treating me like i'm fragile, i'm fine" he moved his hand away.

"it's not about what you want, you need to talk to someone about this" jisung said again, "you're not okay minho"

"i'm fucking fine!" he yelled, "why do we always focus on my problems jisung? why do we only talk about my fucked up life!"

"why don't we talk about your problems huh?" he scoffed, "because we both know you've got a shit ton of those" minho pointed at the younger boy as he yelled.

jisung held back his tears, he hated being yelled at, "if you're so fucking fine minho go look at yourself in the mirror for more than two seconds without fucking crying"

the brunette picked up his jacket and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut on his way out.


i lied when i said i'd let them be happy

anyways,,first argument :o

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