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"you honestly think that i'd cheat on you jisung?" he raised his voice, "i don't tell you what i'm doing for half a day and you assume i'm cheating?"

he walked towards the boy, forcing him to walk backwards, "i don't need to tell you every single fucking thing i do jisung"

"that's not what i meant min-"

"no it's what you meant jisung, you don't trust me..and i have a right to be angry at you for that"


he was cut off again, "i put my everything into this relationship jisung and i get this in return? i was trying to plan something special for you!" he pointed at jisung.

jisung felt so bad, he knew minho was extremely upset right now but he didn't know how to handle the situation, he really didn't think the problem would get this big.

"you know what..i think we need a break from
each other" minho suggested, "i knew staying here for summer was a bad idea"

"no, we don't need a break minho..i-it's just one misunderstanding" jisung frowned.

"no jisung, we need a break..we spend way too much time with each other, there's no time for anything else"

jisung was getting angry now too, why was minho being like this, "you're overreacting min, and it's not like i'm forcing you to stay with me, you can do whatever the fuck you want"

"i'm overreacting?" he rolled his eyes, "maybe i will do whatever the fuck i want..maybe i will leave"

"yeah go on minho..run away from the problem like you always do" jisung said, "hide from it instead of actually trying to face it, why can't you fucking try talk to me and sort this out"

"shut up jisung"

"no, because you know i'm right..you do always run away" he raised his voice slightly, "you think it'll make things better but if you leave minho, you won't come back and i know you won't because that's what you did to your brothe-"

fuck, maybe that was too much.

minho shoved him backwards, pressing jisungs wrists against the wall, "i told you to shut the fuck up" he was pissed.

the sudden reaction from the boy scared him slightly, "min i'm sorry that wasn't oka-"

he was cut off by minhos lips against his own, "i said shut up"

jisung nodded and minho kissed him again, it was harsh and aggressive and nothing like minhos usual kisses, but some part of jisung secretly loved it.

"i'm sorry min i'm so sorry-" jisung tried to speak when minho pulled away to catch his breath but he was cut off again by minho grabbing his face.

"don't you ever fucking listen jisung?" he pulled the boys face closer, "shut up."

"you know how much i love you sung..but you still didn't trust me?" he was still holding onto jisungs face, "that really upset me"

minho ran his thumb over jisungs lips, "you said you're sorry?" the boy smirked, "then fucking act like it"

jisung didn't know what to say, seeing minho this way was strangely attractive, "i want you to show me how sorry you are.."

the brunette gasped as minho pulled him closer again, "i want you to beg for my forgiveness hannie"

jisung nodded again, he'd do anything minho asked him to.


aggressive minho 👀

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