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jisung and minho sat on the floor of the bedroom, a piece of cloth held against minhos lip to wipe away the blood and a small first aid kit laying open on the ground next to them.

felix's punch had cut minhos lip and left a small red mark on his cheek, "that looks painful"

"i've had worse" minho said blankly as jisung
pressed the cloth against his lip, "it should be fine now"

the brunette nodded and got out some
disinfectant, carefully placing it on-top of the cut, "there..it shouldn't take too long to heal" he packed away the first aid kit and pushed it to the side.

"i think he took it quite well" the boy said sarcastically and then laughed, "at least we're still alive"

jisung rolled his eyes, "you shouldn't be laughing about this min, he hurt you"

minho sighed, "it's whatever..he is my brother and let's be honest, it wasn't the smartest idea to date his best friend"

"hm yeah, definitely not one of your best ideas" jisung joked, "but seriously min, he should apologise for treating you like this"

he shook his head, "it's fine, i deserve it..i did leave him alone with our parents" he looked down and frowned.

"you don't deserve any of this" jisung placed his hand on top of minhos, "you really don't"

minho looked up, "i meant what i said you know.." he smiled slightly, "about falling in love with you"

"i know you did min" jisung ran his thumb over minhos hand, "i'm not sorry for loving you either, i don't think i ever will be"

the brunette leaned forward and kissed minho, who whined pulled away, "ouch" they both laughed.

jisung kissed him again, it was a soft and quick kiss. "i should go talk to him"

minho nodded, "yeah.."


jisung took a deep breath before walking over to felix and sitting down next to him. he didn't say anything for a while, he wanted felix to speak first.

"it's cold" the blonde said, still looking at the empty field in front of him, "the snows nice though"

"yeah.." he replied awkwardly, he turned slightly and took another deep breath, "felix listen i'm-"

"why didn't you just tell me ji.." he turned his head to face jisung, "why didn't you tell me you liked him?"

"because you would've reacted like this! felix do you know how much you've hurt him?" jisung said.

"if you had told me earlier i would've tried to understand it!" felix snapped back, "i feel like a horrible friend ji..the fact that you couldn't tell me because you were scared about how i would've reacted is horrible! that's not how friends should be"

"i should be happy for you..but i can't" the blonde frowned, "i don't want you being with him ji, you just can't be with him"

"no",jisung shook his head, "i don't care, that's not your decision to make felix"

"jisung you don't understand-"

the brunette stood up, "no i do understand felix, you're the one who doesn't fucking understand that i can love and keep both of you...you can't do this" he shook his head again. "you can't make me pick between the two of you"

"you can't make me leave him"


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