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The creation of Ajuka Beelzebub, the Evil Pieces. Also know as the Devil's Pieces. Are a set of 15 chess pieces given to High-class Devils to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Devils.

Aizen set his sights on these pieces as soon as he heard about them. Its not like he wants to turn people into devils or even change the races of beings at all. For he already has the Hogyoku that can break the limits of the races.

No what he wants them for is the strength the individual gains with they accept the piece. If he could remove the demonic energy from them and add the energy of the...

The entire family is sitting down at the dinning table. All of them are laughing and playing around. A heart warming site to all that look upon it. The twins of the family and sitting right beside each other as they wait for what they know will come.

This is their 8 birthday after all. They have done all of this before. What they seemingly don't know is that this birthday is special. A day that changes the lives of high class devils.

Silvers: Now children. You know what time it is?

Both twins were practically jumping up and down with excitement

Both: Presents!

The other 3 laughed at their sentiment. Unlike Rias Gremory who is always gifted things by her older brother. Serafall and her parents wait until their birthdays to shower them in presents. Sona and Sebastian treat all of them as a treasure.

Serena: Calm down dears. This time there is a special gift for the both of you.

Both children's eyes practically shined in anticipation. Though Sona tried to hide it. and failed.

Serafall the placed two cases in front of Sebastian and Sona.

Serafall: Open them!

They did as told and saw 15 red pieces inside. (1 Queen ♛, 2 Rooks ♜, 2 Bishops ♝, 2 Knights ♞, and 8 Pawns ♟). Both of them gasped knowing what these are.

Serafall: See! Isn't your big sister the best!? No one can compare to Magical Girl Levi-tan!

Sona sweat dropped ay her sisters antics while Sebastian nodded at Serafall in agreement.

Silvers: Now now. It was both me and your mother that helped as well Serafall. Anyway all you need to do is coat the pieces with your demonic energy so they recognize you as the king.

They did as told and everything went as normal. The family celebrated the achievement that marked the growth of their youngest family members.

Though no one noticed that the real Sebastian swiped the real evil pieces the moment they were placed on the table. He replaced them with an Illusion and left to his favorite place in the estate.

Aizen began to work on removing the demonic energy from the pieces. Weakness is not something that he can just accept so keeping the energy is not an option for him.

They are made out of crystals that you can find on Agreas. These crystals can absorb energy and hold it in the body. Forcing the body to change and match the energy inside the pieces. Making the person change into a devil.

When Aizen removed the demonic energy it changed to a white chess piece. No longer with energy they now are simply empty containers. Aizen then removed him self from his physical body and placed it in a chair so that he can begin the good part.

He then began to draw upon the energy of the Hogyoku that is apart of him. The energy flowed into the chess piece and they started to glow. The energy seemed to power though when the pieces started to crack.

It stopped when the energy responded to the desire of its master and made the chess pieces stronger. The pieces then became clear. Allowing for someone to see the multi-colored energy inside.

Tobio: What can it do?

Aizen smirked when he heard the words of his young apprentice. What they do is obvious to himself. But he might as well explain. He placed the newly made chess pieces and sat down across from Tobio.

Aizen: They no longer change your race but evolve it. The holder surpasses the limits of their race. Things like age is of no concern to them. They will be able to never reach their strongest. Always growing stronger.

Tobio was amazed at this.

Tobio: If you can make this. Does that mean that you can do that as well?

Aizen simply picked up the Knight piece and placed it down on the table in front of the Slash Dog

Aizen: I can do that and so much more. This is my gift to you. If you chose to take it then you will serve me for the rest of your life. If you turn it down? Well you already know the outcome.

Tobio gulped at his words. It seems his earlier thoughts are actually true. This did not scare him much though. He knows that Aizen is a very ambitious being. So ambitious that he will not let anything get in his way. Tobio leaving and having the chance of telling people of the man behind Sebastian Sitiri is not something that he can let happen.

Tobio also knows that there is no reason to not accept either. Aizen may be able to do anything to get what he wants, but he wont do things for no reason. The power that this small object brings is also no joke. He trust Aizen more than anything so the only choice was obvious.

So Tobio picked up the piece and told Aizen his answer.

Tobio: I accept, my lord.

Aizen nodded and the piece flew out of his hand and into his chest. The piece then phased right into the middle of his heart and began to pump its own energy threw his body. It mixed with his magic energy and evolved it. His physical body also changed into its peak condition.

His power grew to brand new heights that a human has never reached before. A level of power that is not supposed to be obtainable. The strain of his body was to much for Tobio and he passed out.

Aizen then took and lied him out on a table near by as he tought on his new equipment.

The functions of the chess pieces are similar to the Hogyoku but it lacks in comparison. Instead of infinite energy Tobio just gained fast mana regeneration. He is also not immortal but instead can regenerate as long as his heart is not damaged.

He should also be able to evolve like I can but in a much lesser fashion. Possibly something like adaptive regeneration? I can find out when he wakes up.

I then looked down at the 14 other pieces and could not help but laugh. With these everything will be easier. I will remake the Espada and this time they will not be so pathetic. They will be true representations of my majesty.

    Every Single One Of Them!

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