Battle of Kings

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"How could you possibly hope to defeat me, Mongrel? Even with all of those plans of yours, you cannot overcome absolute power!" The King of Heroes proclaimed.

Within the underworld, the only true battle for supremacy has begun. Thousands of blades fly threw the air as a figure is seen deflecting and avoiding them with practiced ease. However, this feat is quite spectacular as these blades are moving faster than most could dream of. Arriving at their destinations in no time at all.

The cause of this attack is a golden king who has yet to move even once. Only standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. His crimson eyes watch Aizen's actions intently as he smirks in satisfaction. Even as he mocks the subject of his attention.

Aizen ducks and weaves around the blades as he gets closer and closer to Gilgamesh. His power, even while being in a separate dimension, pours out into reality as he destroys the unavoidable weapons with his aura alone.

"Hope? Do not think so highly of yourself. Your defeat was promised at the moment of my birth." Aizen spoke calmly even as he faced thousands of blades.

Gilgamesh ground his teeth at the insult as more golden portals opened up behind him. The formidable power of the Gate of Babylon was showcased in full as the sky became covered in gold. "How arrogant of you... Mongrel!" He yelled as hundreds of thousands of blades rained down on the Underworld.

Witnessing this show of power, Aizen merely smirked. Releasing his Touki he surrounded himself with his unlimited life force and blitzed right threw this barrage as most of the blades got destroyed on contact with him but the ones that didn't would meet his blade.

He then arrived before the King who only bothered to look at him out of the corner of his eye. The transcendent being then swung his blade at Gilgamesh but a golden portal appeared and a sword blocked his own.

"Do not think so highly of myself? How amusing." The king smirked as portals opened up around Aizen. These portals then released numerous blades that pierced the mastermind. Causing him to cough up blood.

This only caused Aizen to chuckle as in the next moment reality warped. Now Aizen appeared on the other side of Gilgamesh and the blades passes through the air unhindered. This time Gilgamesh was forced to act as summoned Durandal from his gate and blocked Aizen's sword.

"The power of the Hogyoku? To force your desires on reality in my presence is the height of foolishness. I think it is time for me to show you your place, Mongrel!" Gilgamesh yelled as his left hand glowed in gold light.

Seeing this Aizen tried to retreat but was unable to as Gilgamesh appeared before him and sliced him with the peerless sword. The wound healed instantly as Aizen was forced to block another strike from Gilgamesh that forced him back.

It was then when Aizen backpedaled that Gilgamesh struck. Using speed that surpasses time-space he appeared next to Aizen and grabbed him by the face with his left arm. The golden energy started to melt Aizen's flesh as he yelled out in pain. The King then threw him back toward the Underworld like a baseball.

When Aizen crashed into the planet he held his face in pain as it healed. However, he was interrupted when he sensed the gathering of a large amount of holy energy above him. He looked up as he witnessed a large golden portal form above him.

That portal then gathered tons of holy energy at an extraordinary rate. So extraordinary that Aizen had no time to react as he was suddenly smited by the King of Heaven. The gigantic pillar of divine light descending upon hell and cleansing all.

The already destroyed planet being destroyed further. Leaving behind asteroids and very small moons. The King of Heroes looked down upon his work intently as he waited for any sign of Aizen. This action proved worthwhile as the Transcendent King suddenly charged straight for him with no sign of injuries.

Meeting Aizen with another attack he opens 5 gold portals that send out various blades to the manipulator. However, these blades never reach Aizen as they are stopped by an invisible force. Allowing Aizen to continue unhindered on his path toward the king.

When he arrives they clash swords as reality is destroyed around them. The entire dimension begins to collapse from their physical prowess alone. This standoff could not continue forever as Aizen's blade glows with golden light and his strength increases tenfold.

This golden light and the invisible force from before originated from the power of the Lion King that Aizen absorbed. Gilgamesh realizes this when he loses their first physical confrontation and is forced back. A slight that the king could not ignore.

But as the King was about to summon his high-tier noble phantasms he was stopped in place. The king's perception of time stopped as Aizen's eyes glowed yellow, allowing all to see the activation of Forbidden Balor View. But this trick would not last long however, that is why Aizen would not hold back in his assault.

Instantly casting his most powerful Hado, Goryūtenmetsu, he created 5 red dragons made out of pure destruction as they raced toward the King of Heroes. Wrapping themselves around Gilgamesh and exploding with enough force to completely destroy this dimension.

Leaving Aizen in an empty void-like space. His only company being an enraged King of Heroes warped a few meters before Aizen and stood there with no injuries. He then released his golden aura and let it wash over the empty space. Forcing Aizen to unleash his own power. Causing the two energy's to push against each other and fight for dominance.

"I have had enough of these petty tricks, Aizen! I will crush you here and now! I will show you why I alone am the King!" Gilgamesh promised.

The King's power then shifted as he easily overpowered Aizen and forced him to kneel. Appearing before the transcendent, Gilgamesh grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up. Applying pressure to his next as he broke it. Yet in the next instant, Aizen healed and looked down at the king as he glared back menacingly.

"I am the King. I embody the very concept of it. As long as people look up to someone I will always be omnipotent. You will never surpass me, nor can you. I have enjoyed this farce for long enough. You no longer serve a use so this is your end, Sosuke Aizen." Gilgamesh revealed.

Yet as he looked up at Aizen he did not see fear or any form of struggle. The only thing Aizen did was smirk at him like he held all of the cards here not him. It was too late when he realized why. Even as he released Aizen and tired to get as far away as possible.

The cause of the King's fright is one word. One word that will change the tide of this battle drastically.

 One word that will change the tide of this battle drastically

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