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The once perfect knight lunged at the Taken King. Oryx simply sidestepped the beast as he sent his sword to that small of his advisories back but even in his insane state the knights instincts and experience did not waver as grabbed a brick from the ground and blocked the blade.

This outcome surprising Oryx. The brick was now black with red cracks. He understands that this must be his noble phantasm as he swung his blade once again. The mad knight jumped back to avoid the attack as he grabbed a metal bar from the ground which turned into a noble phantasm. 

The Knight and the King circled each other watching closely for any sudden movements. One is a knight who has honed his skills throughout his entire lifetime and the other is a champion who has fought endless battles within the pit. Safe to say that they both are experienced yet Oryx holds the upper hand. As he has fought countless mindless beasts that are his kin.

 So when the beast made his move the King was already before him with his blade swinging downwards. Lancelot acted fast and blocked the attack with his bar but did not expect to be kicked in the stomach as he slid back. Oryx predicted his response and countered it with ease. 

"Is that all that you can offer, Mad one?" Oryx asked in a mocking tone. Hoping to get a rise out of his opponent.

He got what he wanted when Lancelot roared at him in rage. His pride as a knight shinning threw his current state. The area around his feet changed into a NP as he kicked it at the king. Oryx smacked away the debris with some difficulty as he readied a stance. 

 "Fine then. Lets dance" Replied Oryx with a massive amount of blood lust. 

-{Line Break}-

The earth quaked under the force of their blows. The sky split at the clash of their power. Existence quivered at the pure dominance of one and all rejoiced at the judgment of the other.

A being made of malice Vs a selfless man. Good Vs Evil. Light Vs Dark. The Hero Vs The Villain. A fight as old as time has started once again. 

So as Siegfried dodged and countered the relentless attacks of the monster before him only one thing was in his mind. When faced with all of the worlds evil most would run in fear but the hero must continue forward. For the sake of the innocent Siegfried will stop this evil. He will slay a evil dragon once more!

The dragon cackled as he his leg connected with the side of the slayer. This is just so much fun! Unlike Zeus this guy can actually take a beating. Yet he cannot shake off the feeling he gets from that sword. What is that?

'Partner! This man is Siegfried. A Dragon Slayer!' Informed Ddraig.

Sukuna just grinned as he another batch of cleaves at the slayer only for them to cut in half by his sword. Sukuna then appeared behind Siegfried with a Sonido and dropped to the ground as he kicked the mans legs out from under him. He then pushed himself up and kicked the the silver haired man into a wall, destroying it in the process.

"I forgot. You can only be harmed on your back right? How annoying." Sukuna commented.

His words were proved true as the swordsman got up without a single scratch on him. Looking at the red dragon with a cold gaze filled with hatred.

"Don't look at me like that. I hate that." Stated Sukuna in irritation. Having received many such looks in his lifetime.

Both adversary's lunged at each other with Sukuna throwing his fist forward and Siegfried sending his sword forward in a overhead slash. As the two attacks connected the space around them cracked. The force being to much for it. Their auras surged out as they fought for victory. 

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