Beginning of the End

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"So this is the girl?" Spoke a haughty feminine voice

This being Nyx. The alliance of Hell has picked up the pace of their mission after the destruction of the Greek Faction. All of them were surprised at this outcome and the threat that Aizen poses but in the end they are to prideful. Just because Hades is stronger than his siblings he thinks that he would have survived. So all they did was put more effort into their plan.

So in a short order they collected Alphecca Tyrant, from a member of the British royal family, Incinerate Anthem, from a powerful magician, and they already have True Longinus. So now they have everything they need to destroy the barrier that binds Trihexa. The only thing they needed was a way to locate the beast.

After some thinking they figured out what they needed. So they located the Holy Grail. Using its power they will be able to locate the "end of the world" where the Emperor Beast rests. This leads them to where they are now.

"Sure is. These vampires sure did not want us to get here. Well, they are all gone now." Spoke Angra Mainyu as he picked his teeth. Trying to get the bits of bone out.

Nyx shivered in disgust when she remembered what Angra did to all of the vampires. They did not die a quick death that is for sure.

"It seems that they have forced the girl to use her sacred gear far to much. Its like she is mind broken. Lets make sure to kill her when we are done. I do not like this blank look she keeps giving me." Stated Erebus

The girl who holds the sacred gear is indeed broken. Having been used to break the laws of the soul and bare the weight of being able to talk to every dead being in the world is to much for her mortal mind to withstand. Thus she is what she is now.

"It does not matter. We need to hurry up and get the beast under our control before Aizen comes after us." Hades said.

They did just that as they made preparations to go to the "end". Soon the world will know the power of the evil gods.

-{Line Break}-

"Is this the power of a god?" Jacks voice was filled with awe.

All of the Espada watched as Aizen mastered his new power. He floated above the underworld as everything changed with a mere thought from him. His inexhaustible power making anything possible.

After he, Sukuna, and Oryx returned to the underworld Aizen left once again but was back in moments. What he did was unknow to them but when he returned his power was much stronger than before. He appears to be able to warp reality itself.

However that is not the case. What Aizen did was use his powers over fate to finally locate the wielder of Telos Karma. He then went too the users location and killed him instantly. Not willing to let him use his powers over probability.

Aizen also found out that the user actually had another Longinus with him as well. That being Innovate Clear. So Aizen absorbed both of their abilities became his. The power to forcibly create and enforce options and choices that aren't possible normally, changing the possibility of certain phenomena into unexpected events and the power to create dimensions are now in the very capable hands of Aizen.

The possibilities are endless. Adding complete hypnosis into the mix. You would not be able to identify what is real and what is not and in the end that does not matter for Aizen no longer has to follow the laws of the universe and his attacks could be anything.

So after he finished mastering his abilities, by making the underworld his playground, he returned to the Hanging Gardens and sat upon his throne. The Espada gathered in front of him with the leader of the Taken as well.

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