The Final Bio

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Tiering: 1-A, will eventually become 1-A+

Name: Aizen Sosuke, the Transcendent King

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: The Idea of A Higher Power

Special Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Soul Physiology,  Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation, Power Modification, Teleportation, Desire Manipulation, Reactive Evolution, Space-Time Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Absorption, Fate Manipulation, Regeneration (High-Godly), Energy Manipulation, Master Swordsmanship, Power Bestowal,  Weather Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Aura,  Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Transformation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Acausality, Size Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Genius Intelligence and Preparation, Perception Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Danmaku, Immortality, and many others

Destructive Ability: Metaversal Level (Aizen Sosuke is on a constant ascension among the infinite layers of reality, with said layers being stacked atop one another and each higher one viewing the lower one as fictional in nature.) will eventually become Metaversal Level+ ( After an infinite amount of time Aizen will eventually rise above the entirety of existence and all of the realities that comprise it, only to transcend himself endlessly even after that as the pinnacle of all pinnacles.)

Speed: Irrelevant (Aizen's true body exists outside of creation and all of its laws.) with avatar he is Omnipresent (Aizen has transcended the concept of time-space and now can exist everywhere.)

Lifting Ability: Irrelevant

Striking Ability: Metaversal, and will eventually become Metaversal + 

Durability: Metaversal, will eventually become Metaversal +

Stamina: Irrelevant 

Range: Irrelevant

Intelligence: Omniscient 

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