Slash Dog vs Vanishing Dragon

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An 11 year old Vali could not hold in his excitement. After a year of training both Vali and Tobio mastered the two techniques that Aizen entrusted them with. Since then Vali's strength has grown leaps and bounds.

He has now reached the level of ultimate class with the help of his balance breaker. He has even unlocked a new form that he is planning on surprising his brother with very soon. Speaking of his brother his power has also grown.

While Tobio does not have as much potential as Vali. He will not let himself be surpassed so easily and continues to ascend. If you were to make a top 10 strongest in this world it would be something like this,

10: Fenrir

9: Tobio Ikuse

8: The Super Devils

7: Crom Cruach

6: Indra and Shiva

5: Aizen

4: Alatreon

3: Gilgamesh

2: Tiamat

1: Great Red, Ophis, Trihexa

Though this is a rough estimate. Albion says that Aizen has a lot of power hidden within him and he can not see the limit of his strength. So he could be stronger than Alatreon and maybe even be able to fight a serious Gilgamesh? Well we will have to wait and see.

I arrive at Aizen's favorite place. The library. Though I do think he is getting bored of it now. I still sit down in front of him.

Aizen: You have done well. You are stronger than Tobio was when he received his predator piece. I expect great things from you. So continue to reach new heights.

I bow my head in response. To reach new heights is to fight more battles. Something that I can get on board with any time.

Vali: I will not fail you, my lord.

Aizen just summons two of the pawn pieces and they fly into Vali's chest. Who gritted his teeth in pain as his body and soul were forced to evolve. Divine Dividing formed a permanent connection with his soul. Meaning that for as long as Vali's soul remained he would possess the sacred gear.

Soon the boy passed out and fell on the floor. Aizen just watched him fall and went back to reading a book that he has read 5 times already. Jin soon entered the room and upon seeing Vali he charged at him and collided with his face. He did not wake up so Jin poked him a few times to make sure he is really asleep before he climbed on top of his face and went to sleep. Aizen just smirked

Later both Vali and Tobio stood across from each other in the training room. Both have battle thirsty smirks on their faces. With Vali's evolution into a transcendent he now is way stronger than before. Tobio does not even know what will hit him.

The fight starts and Vali instantly goes into balance breaker to avoid the blades the tried to pierce him from his own shadow. He then lunged at Tobio but Tobio's superior speed is shown when he dodges all attempts at contact knowing the power of Divide.

Tobio then summons Jin in his adult form and attacks Vail from his front and back both wielding swords. Vali counters by sending a blast of demonic energy at Tobio forcing him to block and grabbing Jin and using divide on him. Jin whimpers as half of his power leaves him but manages to cut Vali's wing with a sword summoned from their shadows.

Vali throws Jin away and barely dodges an onslaught of attack from Tobio. He lashes out with a right hook that Tobio dodges. Tobio having enough of this turns Jin into a scythe that he uses to cut threw Vali's balance breaker. Vali in response jumps back and heals the wound of his chest from the attack.

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