Life Goes On

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Outside the omniverse, a god exists.

A being so unbelievable that upon gazing upon him you would cease to exist. 

This being exists in the realm known as the Final Void. The root of the dream and birthplace of the omniverse. The very concept of laws does not exist here. Only power and those that can control it.

Those beings that can control it are called Outer Gods. Beings that are incomprehensible to the human mind. Among them are the likes of Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, Hypnos, and even Azathoth himself.

However, the god I am talking about is no outer god. He is not a spawn of Azathoth's flesh or a being born from the void. He is simply a man who wished for more. A man who granted his wish with his will alone. A man who ascended and achieved godhood.

That man can be witnessed resting on a throne made of what looks to be galaxies. No matter how long one stared at this throne, one would always see something new. As within this throne, you will find countless multiverses and these countless multiverses possess countless planets that support countless lives.

Lives that go to consume and reproduce endlessly. Becoming more and more unique as time passes and eventually becoming a new species altogether. That is why this throne represents the one who sits upon it so well. As both are constantly becoming stronger at any given moment.

As the one who sits on this throne is none other than Sosuke Aizen. A being that is endlessly transcending threw the infinite realms of boundlessness until he transcends the concept of boundlessness as well.

"So it's that time again, huh? Well, It has been quite some time since I last saw them, 5 billion years I believe. It would be rude to keep them waiting." The Transcendent King speaks as keeps his eyes closed.

However, even when speaking such words he made no moves to get up. He merely created an avatar to go in his place. As a being of his caliber can not leave the Final Void without destroying creation itself upon his arrival into any omniverse.

And that would defeat the purpose of even entering in the first place.

-{Line Break}-

"Get up, darling. The time has come once again." A beautiful voice spoke softly.

In response to her words, grey eyes fluttered open. Those eyes belonged to a black-haired man wearing a black suit. When his eyes adjusted to the sunlight around him he looked up and stared into the yellow eyes of his wife.

"Hmmm. I don't want to go." Tobio stated childishly as he turned his head away from her. Looking off to the side as his head rested on her lap.

Semiramis just smiled coyly as she tapped her delicate fingers on her chin.

"Is that so? Then I guess there is only enough room on the bed for-" "I'm up!" Semiramis started but was interrupted when Tobio shoot up from her lap in a heartbeat.

This only caused Semiramis to laugh as Tobio scratched his cheek in embarrassment. It works every time. It's just that Tobio can't bring himself to make her mad and that fact causes him to get laughed at by a certain Espada.

"Oh? I thought you didn't want to go, dear. What changed?" Semiramis asked with a devious smile.

Tobio just turned away from her. Already more than used to her shenanigans after so long of them being together.

"It's nothing, Ramis. I am just not too fond of meeting Red again. You know how he can be... anyway, I am sure that I can survive with you there." Tobio said.

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