Lady of the Lake

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Both Myrddin and Morgan dreaded meeting her again.

The Lady of the Lake. The alternate good personality of Morgan. Yet even for being the so called "Good" side she is just as terrifying and formidable as Morgan. As the only real difference between the two of them is that Vivian can have, express, and comprehend emotion. You could call her Morgan's "Heart".

Her personality can be described as a sadist. As she takes pleasure in breaking people down and then building them back up into better individuals. Her favorite and most notable student being the greatest knight, Lancelot. Showing her skill as a teacher regardless of her ways.

And now Morgan must meet her other half for the first time in a millennia. While Myrddin now has to willingly return to what can only be called a yandere. I mean she really said, 'If I cant have him then no one can' and locked him away from all other women. That is a textbook case right there.

"What is that saying that mortals say nowadays? 'They always come running back'? Either way that describes this situation perfectly." A haughty voice spoke out within the dimension.

That dimension being a world filled with water. A majestic white tower floated in the sky as a women with white hair and blue eyes looked down upon Morgan and Myrddin. Her appearance being the exact same as Morgan herself but looking at her you could see the difference immediately thanks to mirthful smirk that played at her lips.

"How arrogant of you to inter Avalon without permission. Especially you Merlin. Not only did you escape my prison but you destroyed the replica of this dimension, my world. Then again I should have expected it with how inconsiderate you are." Vivian spoke with a frown.

Myrddin trembled at her words. He can now understand and reciprocate her love but it might be to late. Either way they have a job to do. That is why Morgan stepped forward and spoke.

"We have all made mistakes but can no longer let put pride get in the way. We must use the Spear and the Sword to destroy Trihexa once and for all before it regains enough power to destroy us all!" She yelled. Trying to appeal to her morality.

However all she got was a hollow laugh in response.

"You mean that beast that your King released?!" Vivian spat out her accusation.

Then with a snap of her fingers multiple screens appeared that showed multiple different worlds. All of them being the locations for the different factions and all of them show no signs of life.

"Everyone is gone! Every single one of them has fled this universe in order to survive the war that Aizen wages! The fallen angels were the first. Followed by the Celtics and then the Shinto. Then everyone else. I alone remain!" Vivian exclaimed.

Her words are filled with all of sadness she feels. As a fairy she was meant to protect the world and without the factions the age of the gods will soon end. Removing her ability to protect the world.

Not that she could do anything when the King of Heroes and Jack the Ripper destroyed a good portion of the world in a dogfight between a ancient Babylonian ship and a divine F-15 fighter jet. It did look pretty cool though.

In response to her words it was not Morgan that spoke but Myrddin.

"Releasing the beast was a calculated decision made by Lord Aizen. The beast has been causing wars and corrupting the universe. If Trihexa was allowing to remain uncontested when Aizen fights Gilgamesh then their is no telling what destruction brought about by the power it would gain from all the chaos." Myrddin tried to reason.

Morgan can tell that her other half considered this. So she followed up with her own statement.

"Lord Aizen even took the time to warn the factions of interfering in his plans. At least they are still alive and can return later to continue the age of the gods. This world will survive but only if you work with us!" 

Vivian frowned thoughtfully at her other half's words. She knows that Aizen never goes back on his word. As he always speaks in ways that allow him to bend the truth. But if she could possibly save this world from certain destruction then...

No. The two before her have many problems. Even if they now walk down the road of redemption, that path is a long one. But what if she sped that up?

"Fine then." She pointed her hand at them as the water latched onto them. Binding them and dragging them beneath. "You shall prove yourself by facing your demons. If you can best them then I will do as you say."

The two woke up in two entirely different place yet entirely the same places. This location being the hill of Camlann. Morgan's hill being made out of white grass and a clear sky. She looked around before spotting her "demon".

"You are not worthy to be King." The words flowed out of the mouth of the long haired blond.

Her sister stood before her. The one chosen to be king even though it was her birthright as the firstborn. Yet the one before her is different then the one she remembers. In the place of her petite sister is a well endowed women who radiates a holy power. In her hands is none other than the lance that shines to the end of the worlds. The lance she is here for.

On Myrddin's side he appeared in hill desecrated with blood and bodies

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On Myrddin's side he appeared in hill desecrated with blood and bodies. The knights of the round table all dead as the sky is covered by dark clouds.

"This is all your fault, Merlin. I am the consequences of your failures." A bitter voice mocked him.

Looking further up the hill he could see a sight the filled him with dread and realization. Before him stood none other than the one he trained and molded into the perfect king that Britain needed. However this one possessed bleached hair and yellow eyes. Excalibur, the sword of promised victory, has been tainted in her hands. Becoming a sword benefiting a tyrant.

"What have you become?" Myrddin voiced out in shock

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"What have you become?" Myrddin voiced out in shock.

The Tainted King scowled as she stabbed her sword into the ground.

"I am..."

What You Made Me

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