Sasuke and Boruto

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It was evening where my sister, me and my mom were at home when we suddenly heard a doorbell.

"Coming!" Shouted Sarada.

'I wonder who it is at this hour.'

"Huh?!" I heard Sarada exclaimed when she opened the door. Me and Mom going to her seeing who is it that made her shocked.

"What's the matter?" Mom asked her and there's stood no one else but our dad.

"Sa....Sa...!" Said Mom clearly dumbfounded.

"I'm home..."


Aaaand mom fainted, we took her and laid her down on the couch. Me and Sarada crouching next to her while my sister was holding a wet towel on mom's forehead. We heard Mom mumbling dad's name.

"You don't have to collapse just because Dad comes home unexpectedly..." Told her Sarada as Dad crouched down next to us.

"So how long can you stay this time?" My sister asked him.

"Until your Chunin Exams are over." We looked at him with smile's on our faces.

"I just met Naruto's son earlier."

"Boruto?" We asked

"He said he wants to become my student."

"Huh?" We looked at him surprised.


The next day our team and Shikadai's team were all hanging out in Flash Burger. Me, Sarada and Chocho were sitting opposite from boy's table. We overheard them talking about Boruto looking tired and that he's not sleeping well.



I went spying on Boruto while hiding in the tree. I saw Konohamaru Sensei watching Boruto who was holding with two hands a ball with water and made it explode. I got suprised by this.


After a few days I took Sarada with me to spy on Boruto. We saw Boruto showing our Dad his new jutsu called Rasengan that looked kinda smaller than Sensei's and 7th Hokage's.

"It's awfully small..." said Dad. "It'd be hard pressed to call that a Rasengan yet. But the..."

"Damn it!" We saw Boruto getting angry and then he threw away the 'Rasengan' and it slowly disappeared. Boruto got shocked by this and ran away. Me and Sarada came out from our hiding spot and stood next to Dad.

"You're always so strict, Dad. You don't know Boruto well, so I'll tell you..." Started Sarada while I looked at Boruto's disappearing figure worried.
"He's usually not like this. It's a miracle he even made it this far."

"You're both jumping to conclusions. I didn't say no. I was going to accept him as my student." Sarada looked at him surprised then smiled at him while I chuckled at her. I saw Sarada running after Boruto. I noticed Dad staring at the tree on which we saw a hole.

'Wait, did Boruto's Rasengan...?'

"I'm kinda worried about him, well me and Sarada. He's been acting weird." I told Dad while we started walking towards home.

"Don't worry, just focus on Chunin Exam."


Still i couldn't help but feel worried. Feeling that something not good is gonna happen.

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