The Awakening

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„He must have really exhausted himself." Said Konohamaru Sensei as all of us were now kneeling around the boy and observing him. "He's out cold but none of his injuries are more than just scratches. No broken bones either. More importantly, what's of concern is this..." Konohamaru Sensei exclaimed and looked at mark on boy's left hand.

"Is it the same mark as Boruto's?" Asked my sister.

"Seems like it." Mitsuki answered.

„ he?" I asked as i stared at the boy.

„Did these Puppets pursue him all the way here? Because i find it hard to believe that he took them down all by himself." Mr. Katasuke told us.

Boruto moved his right hand to touch him when he suddenly started groaning in pain while holding his hand.

"Boruto!" I exclaimed and touched his shoulder.

Then the boy also started groaning in pain. Me and Boruto looked at him shocked. The boys groans became now louder

"He's waking up!" Exclaimed Boruto.

"D-don't!" We heard boys hoarse voice. "Don't!" He repeated now louder.

"Everyone, get away from him!" Konohamaru Sensei stood up.


"Right now! Hurry!"

All of us immediately stood up and  with that the boy's body started floating. Chakra all around him.

"Don't...touch me!" He screamed, his eyes now wide open. All of his body shining with even more chakara which send a strong wind towards us.

I felt Boruto grab my hand and with that we all jumped away from the boy. As the wind finally stopped, we now saw the buy floating high in the air. The chakra that was around him, completely vanished.

He slowly started going down until his feet touched the ground. The boy now standing in front of us as we looked at him shocked.

The boy started inspecting each one of us with a cold gaze. His gaze now landing on me and i tried to show him that we mean no harm. He starte not leaving mine.

"W-what's going on?" Asked Mr. Katasuke which made the boy quickly glanced at him and break our eye contact.

"Hey, it seems he really was the one who took down the Puppets." Konohamaru Sensei whispered.

"Who the hell are you all? The trackers from Kara." The boy straightened his posture and saw him staring at me again.

"Trackers? No, we're-!" Boruto started saying.

"Boruto, wait!" Sensei quickly cut him off.

"Sorry, I'm Konohamaru Sarutobi. A shinobi from the Land of Fire from the Village Hidden in the Leaves." Sensei introduced himself to the boy. The boy however just started at him with uncertain eyes while gritting his teeth.

"What do Leaf shinobi want with me?" He asked and I stared at him confused. I saw him looking at me quickly and then returning his gaze back on Sensei.

"We have no intention of harming you. We came across this location in the course of investigating the crash of an airship within our borders. We just want to know what's going on. Could you tell us?" Sensei explained to him.

"And on what basis should i trust you? Could you just leave me alone?"

"Sorry, but we can't do that. Protocol dictates that we take you into custody. By force, if necessary."

"Fine, i've heard enough. Looks like you want to die."

"Hold on a minute!" Shouted Boruto while lifting his right palm at the same time showing the boy his mark.

"Huh?" The boy looked at this surprised.

"You know what this is, don't you? You have one on your left hand too, right?" Boruto said which made the boy look at him even more shocked.

"That's a-" he stared saying while walking towards Boruto. "Karma. Why..? Why do you have one?" He stopped in front of Boruto.


"This thing's called a Karma?" Asked him Boruto as he looked at this mark and then showed him again.

"What the hell is this thing?" Asked again Boruto.

Suddenly the boys face turned serious and he backed away a little.

"You were messing with me! You really are trackers from Kara!"

"No, you got that wrong!"

"Please, just calm down and hears us out!" My sister tried to calm him down. His gaze moved to me and I looked at him with a pleading eyes. His eyes seemed to soften a little but then his eyes moved to Boruto and they quickly hardened.

"Right now, I don't care who you are. If you want to come at me, then do it. I'll beat you at your own game!"

We quickly positioned ourselves to the fighting stance but suddenly the fire blasts were thrown at the boy. I noticed that Boruto was now standing in front of me and looking at me. I nodded and softly smiled showing him that i'm okay.

The boy dodged the attack and looked where it came from. We saw at the top of a hill a man whose face was covered with a mask. Instead of his hands he had mechanical claws from i guess the fire blast came out.

"Sorry to interrupt! But i need to retrieve our precious Vessel!"

"What the hell is that?!" Exclaimed Boruto.

"Vessel?" I asked and looked at the boy.

"One thing after another...what's going on?!" I heard my sister say.

"Garo, it's you!" The boy shouted at the intruder.

"So, you Leaf shinobi have already made contact with the Vessel, huh? Looks like that geezer Ao messed up, huh? He's making us Outers look bad! Well, whatever. Thanks to him, i now have a chance to shine. If i capture you and take you back, i'll be promoted to an Inner!"

"They seem to be talking about the airship's cargo that Ao was looking for. Also, all this mention of Outers and Inners...these guys are..." i heard Konohamaru Sensei say.

"Don't treat me like an object, you pig!" Shouted at him the boy.

"Don't get so riled up, you hollow bastard! Be good and i'll take you back, real nice and gentle!"

"Take him back? Don't tell me, the Vessel is-„ i heard Sarada say.

„Yeah. Situation aside it seems the Kara's target..."The Vessel", is this young man." Konohamaru Sensei answered her which made me look at the boy sympathically. From beside me i heard Boruto gasp.

"You've got to be kidding me. This time, you'll lose much more than just your chin!" The boy said to the man with an angry tone.

"Oh, don't worry. I haven't forgotten that you took my chin. I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna hurt you so bad that you'll wish you were dead!" And with that the man started attacking the boy with his fire blastes.

The boy with a fast speed, dodged all of them and ran towards the attacker.

"He's fast!" Exclaimed Mistuki.

And with that a battle between the two started.

'What we got ourselves into.'

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