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"Forgive me...Boruto."

My Dad and Boruto were now on the balcony. He wanted to talk to him about something, just the two of them.

"Huh?" Our teammate looked at him surprised.

"Stopping Momoshiki's rampage was my responsibility as your teacher, but...I couldn't be there when you needed me."


"And Kawaki had to take on a painful role too. The village doesn't need to hate anyone else besides me." Dad continued.

"So you heard that Kawaki was the one who killed me." Boruto's eyes widened in shock.

"Only a select few know. It's for the best. Quite a few already disapproved of Kawaki being here in the first place." Dad told him.

"But...I asked him to do it! I told him to kill me. It's not right that he's getting blamed!" Boruto quickly defended his adoptive brother.

"The one who is despised killed the Hokage's son. Whatever else, that's a fact. It can't be helped that additional bias is heaped on." Dad kept looking straight not once looking at Boruto.

"But that's just wrong!! Especially since i'm alive and fine!" Boruto slightly yelled and looked at my dad. "Besides...he's the only one i could've made such a unreasonable request to. Cuz we acknowledge each other as bros." Boruto added and turned his head to look ahead. At his words my dad finally looked at his student.

"And it's likely the same for him. He did it cuz we're bros. He understood and accepted my resolve." Boruta explained. My dad turned his gaze back to the sight before him.

"Brothers, huh..."

Suddenly Boruto remembered something and started looking for something in his pouch. "That's right...i gotta return this!" He pulled my dad's old headband out. "Heh! Your headband! It helped me firm up my resolve! Thanks a ton!" Boruto smiled at him widely. Sasuke stared at the forehead protector for a few seconds, then looked back at the front. "Hmph. If it's so helpful...keep it. It's a gift."

"Wha-?! You sure? Isn't this an important memento of you and my dad..." Boruto got shocked by this.

"It's fine. You hold on to it."

"...for real?!" Boruto still shocked, moved his gaze onto the headband that was in his hands. He then looked up at my Dad and smiled at him. "Yes!!! Thanks, Old Man! I'll treasure it for the rest of my life!!!" My Dad stared at Boruto who put the headband on his forehead and then looked away. "I might be the one having to show his resolve next."

"Huh...?" Blonde haired boy looked at his master confused.

On the opposite balcony there were me, Sarada and Mitsuki, looking at my dad and Boruto. My sister was leaning against a pole and Mitsuki and I stood next to her.

"I wonder what's they're talking about." Sarada said to us.

"If things had gone wrong, Boruto would be dead. Master Sasuke's likely feeling guilty, as his teacher." My sister and I turned our heads towards him. "I certainly do. Even now, when i think...that Boruto could've died without me being there to help...still gives me chills." Mitsuki told us, his face serious. "And supposing...someone really were to try to kill Boruto...i really don't know what would i that person." We looked at him surprised.

"Mitsuki?" My sister softly asked.

"Sorry i just realized that came out sounding disturbed." He apologized. I glanced back at the master and student duo with worried eyes. "I-i...i'm real shocked over everything that's happened to him. A-and i'm truly relieved that he survived it all, b-but...a-amid that relief...I-I'm starting to feel more and more worried! Y-you know...?" I revealed to them, this made my sister look at me concern. Mitsuki on the other hand was tilting his head curiously. "I-i mean...i-i-it's not his fault. I know that. He couldn't help any of this happening. B-but...are we...just that u-undependable? Y-you know?" They looked at Boruto and my Dad. "I want to be able to help him...more" I told them. Mitsuki leaned on the railing while Sarada smiled at me softly. "O-or m-maybe I-i'm just mad at m-myself. Ha ha." I laughed sheepishly.

"So you do like him? Boruto?" Mitsuki asked me as he moved his head to look at me.

"W-w-what?! W-w-where did t-that c-come from?!" I yelled slightly in shock, my cheeks immediately turned red.

"So you don't?" Mitsuki asked while my sister chuckled at this.

"I-i w-was just saying...e-em" i was trying to come up with something, sweat falling from my forehead. Mitsuki then suddenly cut me off.

"I wonder if it's something that hard to tell. Your own true feelings, i mean. Well i guess it doesn't matter." He said while looking at me.

"Doesn't matter?'re one to talk Mitsuki! Your eyes light up when it comes to Boruto." Sarada told him with a teasing smile and then looked back at Boruto and our Dad. "And Dad! Has he forgotten...he's our father first...even more than Boruto's teacher?!" She then complained while I stared at Boruto worried. I saw him saying something to my Dad with a grin on his face while the older man was staring at him. "Gah i swear this is so frustrating!"

"We have to get stronger...the three of us." We looked at our snake friend. "In order to face a mighty Ohtsutsuki...we need just as much...power and resolve too." Sarada moved her head to look ahead. "Well...that's a no brainer. Cuz i won't be be Hokage otherwise." She told him, her words made me smile at her.

'Enemy attack at lab 3!!! Code and one other identity unknown!'

My dad heard and quickly put his hand and leg on the railing to jump out of the balcony. "Be right there." He said to the person that informed him about attack. Boruto looked at him surprised.

"Master Sasuke? What's going on?" He asked alarmed. This made my dad look at him.

"The enemy is here. Let's go Boruto." Boruto's gaze immediately turned serious.

"Yes sir!"

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