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Our Team were now back in Mr. Katasuke's Laboratory where we put the boy in of the rooms. Konohamaru Sensei left us with the boy and went to our village to inform Hokage about everything.

"Rapid cellular division is occurring inside of that young man's body. Because of that, he's able to instantly strengthen or weaken his body during combat." Told us Mrs. Akita as my team, mr. Katasuke and Sumire were now sitting in the office. Each one of us was holding the mysterious boy's test results.

"His regeneration abilities are very high. He was unconscious during our examination, but he'd already recovered some of his chakra." Mr. Katasuke informed us.

"Does that mean it wouldn't be unusual if he started using the power of the Karma?" Mitsuki asked him.

"We don't know much about that mark called the Karma. But, we don't think he has enough chakra to transform his body or use his chakra."

"Karma..." we noticed Boruto looking at his hand where the Karma is. "Why do we both have this thing?"

"We have no way of knowing at the moment. Pleased forgive me, young lord. We shall continue our research." Mr. Katasuke stared at him apologetically.

"There's no need for you to apologize, Dr. Katasuke! Anyway, he seems to think we're his enemies. It might be dangerous to just let him loose."

"It pains w to isolate this young man, but you make a good point, young lord." I couldn't help but look at the paper with guilty look. I felt Boruto laying his hand on my shoulder. "We must be careful. Try not to interact with him more than necessary. I'm counting on you all."


"Sumire, if that boy loses control, it's possible that Nue will also, in response. Please be very careful." Mr. Katasuke warned her.

"Oh...yes, sir. You're right."

I looked at her worried when all of a sudden we heard some noise.

"What was that noise?" Asked Boruto.

One of the Mr. Katasuke's coworkers barged into the room. "Dr. Katasuke, we have an emergency!"

He led us to the monitoring room. On the screens we saw the boy trying to destroy the door with his handcuffs.

"He's raging. We have to stop him quick, or he might escape." I heard Mitsuki's voice and from his left Sumire let out a nervous noise.

"This is not good if he keeps this up." Mr. Katasuke told us.

"Are you saying the door won't hold?!" Asked him my sister.

"No, it's built durably to withstand the experiments we do on various ninjutsu. But his body won't withstand such reckless actions."

Into the boy's room was let out the smoke which made him after a minute fall asleep.

"What was that?" I looked at Mr. Katasuke with worried eyes.

"There's no need to worry. We're just going to have him sleep for a little while." Mr. Katasuke tried to reassure me.

"He might be dangerous if he's trying to escape." I heard my sister whisper.


Me, Boruto, Mitsuki and Sumire were now heading towards the stranger's room with food for him. At the beginning my sister and Boruto were against of me going too but after a few reassurances that is gonna be okay, I convinced them.

Boruto with Mitsuki were standing in front of me and Sumire when Boruto opened the door. We saw that boy was now awake and he was sitting on a bed. At the sound of a door opening he looked straight at us.

Two Different Worlds Boruto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now