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Team 7, along with Kawaki, was now at the training ground. The five of us wanted to become stronger ever since we learned about Code. A new character that Kawaki told us about and who is probably planning to attack the Leaf Village as revenge. We sat in a circle, facing each other.

"If we could beat him by doing this, we wouldn't be struggling!" Kawaki said to us with an angry voice. "This is important training! This is all so we can defeat Code!" Boruto said to him with a same tone as Kawaki's.

"Both of you, cut it out already! You've been making so much noise! We're not getting any training done!" My sister scolded them while me and Mitsuki stared at them worriedly. "What's the point in just sitting here?" Kawaki asked her with a still angry expression. "Chakra control is important training! It's one of the basics!" Sarada explained to him with a same look as he did.
"I'm saying it's inefficient. Even if we had all the time in the world to do this, it wouldn't be enough."

"Then let me ask you this, Kawaki...what do you suggest?" Mitsuki asked him, irritated. Kawaki moved his head to look at him and slowly started to get up. "Something much simpler that..." Kawaki was now fully on his feet. "I think you'd all like too." Kawaki said, his hand turned into a larger, monster-like one and attacked Mistuki who quickly stopped him with his long arm. Me, Boruto and Sarada immediately stood up and moved back a bit. "Hey!" Sarada exclaimed. "What was that for?!" Boruto asked furious. "Not bad, Mitsuki." Kawaki commented.

"I through actual combat." Mitsuki said. "Quit deciding things on your own! Did you forget that I'm the captain?" Sarada scolded him again. "Stop whining and come at me!" Kawaki told her and then broke free from Mitsuki's grip. A knife came out of his forearm and attacked Mitsuki again. Our snake friend easily dodged the attack and jumped away from Kawaki.

"Enemies don't just wait around, y'know!" Kawaki exclaimed and attacked my sister. Sarada jumped up to the air to avoid the knife. "I've had it with this! Don't say I didn't warn you!" Sarada told him and started doing the hand signs. She then attacked Kawaki with fireball jutsu.

"Hey, Sarada!"
"Sarada!" Me and Boruto shouted at the same time.

Kawaki's hand transformed into a shield to hide from fire. Sarada slowly landed on the ground and we saw Kawaki run out from behind the shield. Sarada immediately threw shurikens at him. We watched as Kawaki was hit by both shuriken. My eyes widened in surprise. "That was an easily blockable attack!" Boruto said. Kawaki fell to the ground and as soon as his body touched the ground, he disappeared.

'A clone ?!'

I heard something behind me and turned my head to see Kawaki with a knife sticking out of his forearm. "What?" I exclaimed, surprised.

"A Shadow Clone!" Mitsuki whispered. Kawaki's knife was getting closer to me when suddenly Boruto appeared in front of me and blocked Kawaki's knife with a kunai. "You bastard! What are you thinking?" Boruto looked at him with furious eyes while my sister slowly walked towards me with irritated expression. "Don't get so upset. No one's goona die." Kawaki tried to 'calm him down'. "You're the one who's getting upset! Why are you getting so impatient?!" Boruto asked him.

"Huh? Why are you calling me impatient?" Kawaki narrowed his eyes. "You don't know for sure that training isn't enough to beat Code. It isn't like you to get impatient over something like this!" Boruto told him.

"You don't get it all, do you?"

"Then explain it to me so I can understand!"

"It's no use talking to him, Boruto! Since it's come to this, we have to shut him up by force." Sarada said. "Sarada!" I looked at her shocked. Boruto removed his kunai from Kawaki's knife and stepped back a little. Kawaki also moved a few centimeters away from us. "Don't butt in. I'll take him on myself." Boruto told her. "You too now?" Sarada looked at him with irritation.

Two Different Worlds Boruto x Male ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara