The Reason I Can't Lose

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It was now the day of the Second Round. We were now in a place that looked like an abandoned city. In front of us was standing a white flag.

"The Second Round consists of capturing the flag. You must guard your own flag while attacking enemy territory to seize their flag! Do you understand? This is a team battle, team against team. Which means that half the teams here will be disqualified." Told us Ms. Tenten." All right, teams go to your territories!" She ended and with that all of us jumped away towards our flags.


Me, Sarada and Mitsuki were now hiding behind walls of the building.

"I don't see the enemy...I wonder if it's okay." Informed us Mistuki. The three of us moved to the top of the building.

"I'm guarding the flag. So relax, and attack!" Said Boruto through the microphone.

"I won't forgive you, if you let it get taken!" Told him my sister.

" Who do you think you're talking to, dattebasa?"

"If we're going to show Lord Hokage how strong we are, we just have to make it through the Second Round!"

"We're counting on you, Boruto." Told him Mitsuki.

Suddenly we heard Boruto screaming through our wireless radio. The three of us immediately stopped.

"Sarada! (M/n)! You go on ahead! I'm going back right now!" We heard Mitsuki say. With that we continued running.

"I can't lose!" Boruto exclaimed.

"That's right! I have to pass the Chunin Exams and proceed on the path to becoming the Hokage!" Told us Sarada.

"Y-you can do it Boruto! I believe in you!" I told him. However I didn't know how much it meant to Boruto, hearing this from me.

"We're good here." We heard Boruto say after a minute. Me and Sarada finally reached the rooftop where we saw more than white flags standing there.


"I know." My sister said and we activated our Sharingans. After a few seconds the other flags disappeared and there was only one standing. Sarada went to it and grabbed the flag.

"All right! We got it!" My sister shouted happily while I laughed. We quickly ran where Mitsuki and Boruto is.
Finally as we saw them, my sister immediately went to them. I stopped walking to them when I noticed water on the ground.


"Boruto! This means Lord Seventh will finally get to see how strong we are in Round Three!" Sarada exclaimed while high fiving with them.

"Oh!'re right!" Boruto said and fist bumped her open palm. I started at him uncertainly.

"Hmm, what's the matter (m/n)?" Asked my sister when she noticed that i'm a little further away from them.

"N-nothing, just...thinking." I said while slowly walking towards them. I saw Boruto looking at me, concerned.

"G-good job Boruto-kun. I knew you could do it." I told him while smiling at him and then turned around to my sister. We didn't see Boruto looking away with blush on his cheeks.


We were now leaving the building when we saw our friends and a beat up Denki that was sitting on the ground.

"Denki! Are you okay, Denki?" Asked him Boruto that ran ahead from us.

"Huh? Yeah. I've gotten stronger since entering the Academy."

"I see."

"Hey, worry about us too!" Scolded him Iwabe.

"Oh, sorry."

"Just kidding. Look like you guys won."


"We did terribly. We got our butts kicked."

"I didn't get nervous! But i couldn't do a thing." Said Metal.

"Me too...i held back everyone." Added Namida. "What's done is done. Don't sweat it!" Wasabi told her. "We probably weren't ready for this." Added Sumire.

"For sure, there were jutsu we never saw before...and we knew nothing about our enemies. Maybe we were...just lucky." Exclaimed Shikadai. "You think so? Fortune favours the bold and hungry." Chocho said.
"Okay you put it in an extraneous word there." Told her Inojin.

"Anyway...don't lose you guys!" Said Iwabe while putting Boruto and Shikadai in a headlock.

"That's right!"

"Yup. We'll be rooting for you." Our friends told us. We all softly smiled at them.


"Just don't get too carried away." Shikadai said to Boruto. We all laughed.

I sighed, contented. But then I remembered something and looked at Boruto worried.

'Please, don't let it be what i think it is.'

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