Sasuke's secret weapon

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I was slowly opening my eyes when i noticed that i'm in a hospital room. Remembering the previous event that occurred, i quickly sat up. Immediately I felt someone hugging me.

"Omg! Are you alright?!" I heard my sister say.

"Y-yeah...b-but where is Boruto?" I asked her.

"He hasn't woken up yet." She sadly looked at me. "Please, can you take me to him?, I promise i'm alright." I added when i saw her looking at me skeptically.


With that she led me to where Boruto is. When we reached him, i saw him laying on the bed unconscious. Right away i went to stand on his side, my sister a little further behind me.

After a few minutes I noticed Boruto slowly opening his eyes.

"Boruto!" I said worried.


"You're awake!" I softly smiled.

I watched as the realization of what happened hit him.

"Where's my dad?" He asked and slowly sat up.

"Lord Seventh protected everyone and..." my sister started saying while I looked at him worriedly.

"Mama!" We heard Himawari's voice

"Himawari?" Said Boruto and left the bed. I followed him to see Boruto's mom unconscious. Himawari on her left and my mom on her right, healing her. Boruto right away went to stand next to them while i stayed a few steps behind them.

"Boruto, are you okay?" Asked him Mom and then looked at me. I nodded, telling her that i'm fine.

"I'm totally fine..but what happened to Mom?" Boruto asked her.

"Don't worry, she'll be okay." Reassured him Mom.

"What happened, Mom?!" I heard Boruto ask.

"She faced off against them." Told him my Mom.

"Why would she do something crazy like that?!"

"Naruto collapsed and they were taking him away. And Hinata tried to stop them..."

"And then what happened to my dad?"

"To protect everyone in the village, he took the brunt of the enemy's attack. You remember what Naruto always said, don't you? He believed that it was his duty to protect everyone in the village..." My mom said to him.

"What about the others?" Boruto asked as he turned around to me and my sister. I saw him checking if i had any injuries.

"Mitsuki' critical condition." My sister said and we looked at her shocked. "In all that chaos, it seems they stole his chakra. Shizune and the others haven't left his side and are treating him. Everyone else is fine. Thanks to Lord Sevneth..."my sister told him.

We saw Boruto looking at the ground, his bangs completely covering his eyes.

"I see." With that he slowly started walking away. I was about to go after him but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I looked at my sister but she only shooked her head.

"Boruto." I whispered worried.

After a few minutes we saw Boruto's mom waking up.

"Mama!" Exclaimed happy Himawari.

"Thank goodness!" My mom said.

"Naruto...where's Naruto?" Boruto's mom asked and looked at my mom. But we only looked down.

"Don't worry." We saw Dad suddenly next to me. "He's okay. Just leave the rest to me." We softly smiled at him.


We were now gathered at the Hokage Tower's rooftop.

"Dad...take me too!" I said to my Dad, my sister and Kakashi Sensei behind us.

"(M/n) and your sister are the only ones in the village who possesses the Sharingan. Stay with Kakashi and Shikamaru and protect this place." Dad told me as he leaned down to me.

I looked down but nonetheless agreed.

"Be careful, Dad." I said to him.

"You better come back." Added my sister who was now next to me.

"Of course."

"Leave everything here to us. Bring Naruto back home." Told him Kakashi Sensei.

With everything said my Dad with his Rinengan made a portal that will led them to Lord Seventh. The Five Kages jumping to the portal one by one.


"Big Brother!"

Shouted Boruto's mom and his sister who was now next to me and Sarada, our Mom helping them.



Boruto smiled at his mom while moving a little my dad's old headband.

"I'm good to go now." Said Boruto

"I leave your father in your hands, Boruto!"


"Let's go!" My Dad said and went through the portal.

"Sarada, (m/n), Shikadai...take care of everyone!" Boruto said to us and we fist bumped the air.

He did the same and jumped to the portal.

'Be careful.'

Two Different Worlds Boruto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now