A Stray Dog

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Sarada ran up to us as we were now standing in the hallway, looking for the boy. "I can't find him anywhere."

"Damn it! Where did that jerk go?!" Boruto cursed out loud.

"He might have escaped outside." We heard Mitsuki say.

‚This is not going end well.'

"The Class Rep has no idea how dangerous he is!" Boruto said as we were now exiting the center.

"We need to find him before she does!" Sarada told him.

"I believe the quickest way out of town is the Thunder Rail." Mitsuki informed us.

"That seems like a possibility. Let's head to the station." Boruto said and with the we ran towards the station.


We finally reached the Ryutan Station but no one seems to have seen the boy. Confused Boruto sat down on the stairs while the rest of us stood next to him.

"It seems they haven't seen anyone resembling him." Sarada told us.

"Were we wrong about him sneaking aboard the Thunder Rail?" Thought out loud Boruto.

"What about the next train?" Asked Mitsuki.

"T-they said it'll be arriving in an hour from now." I answered him.

"What should we do? Should we wait until then?" My sister continued after me.

"We'll just be wasting time. Let's join up with everyone else." Boruto told us.

"They might have received some information from the Class Rep." Sarada added and they were about to move when i stopped them.
„M-maybe i should stay here."

„Huh?!" They all turned towards me. „I will ask again around and look for Sumire." I continued.

"No way! I won't let you, what if you meet him?" Boruto protested while walking towards me. I softly smiled at him.

"I'm gonna be okay. I'll be just looking for Sumire." He opened his mouth when suddenly we heard my sister. "Are you sure ?"

"100%." I nodded at her, she nodded back to me and her and Mitsuki left to join the others.

"Please, be careful." I moved my head towards Boruto when he took my hand. "I promise." I squeezed his hand while smiling. I felt him squeeze back and with that he slowly let my hand go. I watched as he turned around and went after Sarada and Mitsuki.

'Oof, okay let's look for the Class Rep.'

As i was walking around the town I finally saw Sumire. With quick steps i went towards her and noticed that she was following a dog?


"Huh? (M/n)?!"

"Finally i found you, but...why are you following this dog?" I asked when i was at her side. Seeing the dog now closer I noticed he was carrying a sausages in his month. Some material being wrapped around his paw.

'Wait... I think i saw this material somewhere.'

Immediately I remembered that it was the same material as the hospital gown that the boy was wearing.

"I-i think this dog can lead us to him." Sumire answered.

"Let's go then."


We heard someone shouting and saw some older man pinning the dog that we were following to the ground. A couple feet behind him the mysterious boy was standing.

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