He's bad news

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Since then Team 7 and Kawaki were slowly getting closer to each other. The five of us were training hard to be ready when Jigen will come for Kawaki. Dad even showed me and Sarada a new jutsu named Chidori, the two of us haven't mastered it yet but we're very close.

For now me and Sarada were now going towards Boruto's home with flowers for Himawari.

"These will look perfect in Himawari's vase!" Sarada said with a smile.

"Yeah, she will be so happy." I agreed with her.

Finally we reached their house where we saw an open gate. We entered the yard just to see metal bars in the ground. From our right we heard someone breathing deeply and saw a shinobi pierced with metal bars.

"What happened?" My sister immediately asked him. He slowly pointed at something and we looked to see Konohamaru Sensei laying unconscious. Metal rods pierced through him.

"Konohamaru Sensei!" Sarada slowly dropped the flowers and we ran to our Sensei. Sarada kneeled next to him to checked his pulse.

"He's alive!" She sighed relieved which made me do the same. Sarada suddenly looked to the right where we saw an open balcony. There we saw Kawaki sitting on the ground in the living room, staring at one spot.

"Kawaki?" Me and my sister walked to him and Sarada kneeled next to him. "What's the matter, Kawaki? Hey, what happened?!" Sarada started shaking him by his shoulder.

He lifted his head and looked at Sarada. "Lord Seventh was taken away!" Sarada and me gasped at his words.


"Please, take care of him." Sarada said to the paramedics who were taking Konohamaru Sensei and the other shinobi to the hospital. With that she ran back to me and Kawaki who still were sitting on the ground.

"What is this?" Boruto asked as he and Mitsuki entered his yard. "Boruto!" Sarada called.

"What happened here?!" Boruto and Mitsuki walked up to the terrace.

"Jigen showed up!" Kawaki slowly stood up and all of us looked at him. "You mean the leader of Kara?!" Boruto asked him.

"He's saying that he took Lord Seventh somewhere." Sarada turned to Boruto. Kawaki hearing this grunted in irritation and left the house. He moved passed Boruto and Mitsuki, my eyes following him worriedly.

"Where are you going?" Boruto turned around to him. "Isn't it obvious?! To look for the hokage!" Kawaki clenched his fist.

"Do you have any tips?"

"What does it matter?!" He abruptly turned around to Boruto while waving his hands.

"Calm down. There's no point in acting blindly." My sister told him. "Shut up! You want to leave him?!" Kawaki shouted, his eyes wide in anger.

Boruto grunted in shock. He quickly walked to Kawaki and grabbed him by his collar. "What did you say?!"

"He's alive." Mitsuki's words made Boruto loosen his grip and look at him. "Your arm works on Lord Seventh's chakra, right? This means, that he's okay." Both Boruto and Kawaki looked at Kawaki's prosthetic arm.

"He's right! Dad wouldn't give up so easily!" Boruto said to Kawaki.

"Lord Seventh..." Kawaki whispered while clenching his prosthetic hand.


Kawaki was now back inside the house, looking at the pictures of Lord Seventh. Boruto was kneeling next to the metal bars, staring at them. Me, Mitsuki and Sarada standing next to him.

"Anyway we have to inform the Hokage's office." Sarada told us.

From behind us, we heard something hitting the ground. There on the floor in the living room we saw Kawaki's prosthetic hand and next to him Lord Seventh's shattered photo.

"It can't...it can't be true!"

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