Momoshiki's manifestation

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I stared at Boruto's new form with a shocked expression. The blue chakra that was around him, slowly vanished. Boro's eyes widened as the realization hit him.

"Otsutsuki!" Boro quickly shook himself off and moved to punch Boruto. Before Boruto could get hit, he disappeared for a second.

All of a sudden i saw Boro's hand being cut off by none other than Boruto. Boro stepped backwards at this while crying out in pain. Boruto with fast speed flew down and kicked Boro's stomach. This made Boro flew away towards the ground. He rolled for a few seconds and then harshly laid down on his back.

"W-what? What's going on here?" I whispered as I watched the fight unfold.

Boruto was floating when he suddenly looked down at the Lord Seventh. He then flew down to the Hokage. I watched as he kneeled down and laid his hand on his chest. I gasped when i saw Boruto take Lord's Seventh chakra. He stood up while Boro did the same behind him. Boruto glanced at him and then quickly jumped in his direction.

Boruto kicked Boro in the stomach, which made him fly away. Boruto immediately moved towards him. Boro was still in the air when Boruto appeared above him and again kicked him in the stomach. The kick sent Boro to the ground. Boruto softly landed on Boro's stomach.

"What was it called...that jutsu of his? Oh that's right...The Rasengan." He said out loud, the Rasengan appeared from his open palm. The Rasengan grew ominously. Boro stared at it with a scared eyes.

"His Karma is still incomplete!"

Boruto then started moving up in the air, the Rasengan still growing. He moved the Rasengan at Boro, the whole jutsu consuming him. We heard Boro screaming in pain. From the jutsu a strong wind came towards us.

I shielded myself with my arms as I squinted at the jutsu's light. Rasengan together with Boro then vanished. I saw Boruto still floating above the hole in the ground where Boro was seconds ago.

"No, not dear blue-eyed boy..." 'Boruto' said as the Karma slowly started disappearing. "It's still a ways away...when you'll lose it all." His eyes slowly closed and suddenly he started falling.

"Boruto!" I shouted and then saw Mitsuki catching Boruto with his long hand. I sighed relieved at this.

"(M/n)!" I heard and turned my head to see my sister running to me. "Are you okay?!" Sarada kneeled next to me and checked me for any injuries. "Y-yeah. B-but we need to check on Boruto." She nodded and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. With that we started walking towards Boruto who slowly regained consciousness.

"Huh? Mitsuki? What was I-?" Boruto whispered as he leaned on his elbow, he looked up at Mitsuki who was kneeling next to him.

Boruto then sat up and glanced at his Karma.

'What was that?'


All of us was now in hospital getting checked out. Boruto, my sister and Mitsuki weren't injured badly and didn't have to stay in hospital anymore. I need to be in a  wheelchair and together with Kawaki have to stay in hospital for a few more days.

I was now in Boruto's dad hospital room with Sarada behind my wheelchair and Mitsuki next to us. Lord Seventh was in a bed, my dad and Mr. Shikamaru next to him with Mr. Sai in front of him. All of us gathered here when we heard that the Hokage finally woke up.

"Dad!" We moved our heads when we heard Boruto's voice. He and Kawaki entered the room and walked to stand on my right side.

"Looks like we're all here." Mr. Shikamaru said out loud.

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