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"Billy said he'll make you a coffee bro." Chip says to Max. "No, I didn't, I'm not making no one coffees no more. You lot are cheating on me." Billy denies it as he mixes his drink.

"So what's going on in the outside world, do you think then?" Billy asks. "I mean, I have no clue what's going on outside when I'm outside. So, I don't have a flying fuck." Holly shrugs as she hugs Grace.

"People have died, fuck I don't know." Grace shrugs, holding onto Holly as she sits on her lap. "Bro, I didn't ask you, so I don't know why you answered. Why would you answer? No one asked you." Billy laughs pointing to Max as he starts talking.

"How is it, that you always find yourself on Grace's lap?" Chip looks at Holly. "I don't have a clue." Holly shrugs. "I'm a good pillow." Grace smiles. "You are." Holly yawns leaning closer to the blonde.

"I vote for her, she votes for me. She votes for him, he votes for her..." Billy explains to Chip and Holly but the ping cuts him off.

"Yo, Yo guys, Darkest here. MVP of season two locked in and voted best looking but that was off camera, that's a different conversation, for a different day." Darkest pops up on the screen.

"Don't big yourself up." Holly scoffs. "Shut up Holl's I didn't ask." Darkest points to the camera. "How the fuck?" Holly leans forward.

"But, yeah guys, I've been in your position before. Not having your phone, not knowing what's going on in the world. It's not a good feeling, it sucks. And Uh, Ilyas I miss you so much brother man. I can't put it into words. But, yeah anyways, I'm it's challenge time. So head over to the challenge area." Darkest says making everyone cheer.

"Back to school, oh this one? Oh this one, this is my one. Is that my blazer?" Billy walks into the room, pointing to the chair. "Housemates today you are going back to school. Throughout the day you'll be tested on your Math, Science and English skills." Kate laughs.

"It's not looking good." Chip shakes his head. "For you, it's gonna go great for me." Holly smiles, receiving a push from Chip. "It's time for your first lesson. Please be on your best behaviour for your teacher..." Kate finishes reading.

"Teacher?" The blonde turns around quickly. "Fuck sake." Holly shakes her head. "What?" Liv turns around to look at her. "I know who it is." She smiles. "Who?" Everyone asks. "You'll find out." She tells them.

"I mean, it was pretty obvious that Darkest was going to walk into the room. I'm just smart and figured it out." Holly smugly says.

Everyone's eyes turn to the door as they see it start to open. Darkest walks into the room when a school bell goes off, making everyone cheer.

"I fucking knew it." Holly shakes her head when Ilyas runs up to the man and hugs him. "One question, how the fuck did you know I was gonna say something, in that video?" Holly asks the man as she walks up to him.

"Your you, Holly. It wasn't that hard to guess." Darkest laughs, as he brings her into a hug. "It's nice to see you, man." Holly smiles as she hugs him back. "Now get back over there." Darkest pushes Holly away.

"I look like a fucking mug with this on." The man says pointing to his hat. "It doesn't fit your head." Ilyas tells him. "No, it doesn't." Darkest shakes his head.

"Today, you'll be going head-to-head with each other in a spelling bee. I'll give you a word, and the first to buzz will answer. If you get it right you'll win a point. Get it wrong and it will pass over to your opponent, you'll get three words each. All right so up first, we have um, Grace and Ilyas." Darkest says making everyone ohhhh.

"Your first word to spell is because. Your up first." Darkest points to Grace as she presses her buzzer first.
"B-E-C-A-U-S-E." Grace spells out getting a point. "Well done sexy." Holly shouts as everyone claps.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now