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"Ha, it failed." Holly laughs, as Harry's trick didn't do the way it wanted it to. "Shut it." He smiles shaking his head. "Chip make a square, and you can only move two, you only have two moves." Harry tells Chip as he sets up four match sticks in a plus sign.

"Oh this is good, I like things like this." Destini says. "So I can only move two sticks?" Chip asks as he thinks of how to do it. "Let's move this, so the camera can see you." Harry moves the cans. "I'm not sure." Chip shrugs. "Can I try?" Holly asks. "Sure." Chip moves to the side a little so Holly can stand next to his chair.

"Two moves." Holly mutters to herself as she picks up a stick and moves it around. "How the fuck? I give up." Holly scoffs, putting the stick in its original position. "What about this." Chip says moving the sticks slightly. "My fucking guy." Harry shakes Chip's hand.

"You done it? No, you didn't." Holly shakes her head leaning closer. "There the square." Chip points to it. "And I thought you were stupid." Holly laughs looking at the man. "Shut up." He scoffs pushing her away.

"One day, one day I'm gonna take you clubbing." Ilyas points to Max as the boys and Holly chill on the sofa. "Walahi man." Max nods. "Not the box. I'm gonna take him to like, tape or something like that." Ilyas tells them.

"Chip ima bring you, you are going to come chill with the mandem, then I'm gonna see how you are." Ilyas explains. "Well if I hate this..." Max gets cut off but Ilyas.

"We don't drink, none of us drink as well which is great. So you're not gonna be the odd one out, of like the non-drinkers." Ilyas shrugs. "You sit there at the club and don't drink? I wouldn't do that, but I'm still coming." Harry says.

"Nah, it's just awkward, when they bring you the bottles." Ilyas tells Harry. "Well when I go out, I get fucking hammered." Holly laughs. "I know." Ilyas and Chip say simultaneously.

"Alr..." Holly gets cut off by the ting, and everyone gets scared. "That was so fucking loud." Holly scoffs. "Are you trying to make me deaf, sugar?" Holly looks at the camera. "Housematies." Ilyas calls for the girls as he stands up.

"All right guys, um it's been a couple of hours now. And um, I can't lie I don't miss any of you. Apart from Hollybolly." Darkest quickly says on the screen. "Love ya man." Holly smiles.

"But, anyways that's beside the point. Um, do you guys actually think I'd evict someone?" Darkest says making Holly scream, and jump off the sofa. "Over a simple maths challenge? Come on, get real." Darkest says.

Holly spins her head around to look into the Kitchen and sees Grace with a smile on her face. "Fuck yes!" Holly screams again, running into her arms. "Your all snakes." Grace points to the housemates behind Holly.

"Every single one of you, apart from Holly." The Keeling girl hugs Holly tight. "Oh my god." The girls say, as everyone comes and joins the hug. "Ay, ay, ay, ay." The housemates chant as they jump up and down.

"I fucking love you Sugartits, you don't even get how happy I am now." Holly rocks back and forth on the chair.

"How happy are you?"

"This has got to be in my top six happiest moments. My first one is being told at two years old that I'm gonna be a big sister. Second, is when my boyfriend asked me to date him. Third is reserved, so is spot fourth and fifth." Holly nods.

"What are they reserved for?"

"Third spot is when my boyfriend proposes, I have a feeling it will be soon, I hope it is anyways. Fourth is when I have a baby in the future. Fifth is obviously gonna be my wedding day." Holly reveals.

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