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"How does it feel to be the like... Second most annoying in the house?" Ilyas asks Destini as the housemates sit in the living room. "Like genuinely, I'm not even taking the piss." He adds on when Rachel tells him he's taking the piss.

"I'm okay, I'd rather be the most annoying than the..." Destini starts but Ilyas talking again cuts her off. "Nah, I don't think she's the second most annoying." He says as Rachel walks into the bedroom. "Most annoying means you've got good screen time though." Grace shrugs.

"Does anyone here think Destini's the second most annoying?" Ilyas asks the housemates. "Shut up." Chip whispers to Holly, as she lifts her head from his shoulder. "Alright." She says, putting her head straight back down.

"No." Chip shakes his head, replying to Ilyas' question. "No one here thinks you're the second most annoying." Ilyas looks at the girl. "Why're you making it a big deal? I'm not fussed." Destini laughs. "I know you're not fussed." Ilyas shrugs.

"I'm charging it." The girl shrugs. "I just wanna ask how you feel." He informs her. "I think I know why they put you there." Chip says, making the two look at him. "I don't care." Destini shakes her head.

"Oh my days, has she fallen asleep." Chip looks down at Holly as she sits on his lap. "She's dribbling on you." Billy points to a wet patch on his jumper.

"How long have I been asleep?" Holly yawns as she sits up. "Like an hour." Chip looks at her. "Fucking hell, that's long." She stretches. "Where is everyone?" She looks around the room, seeing as it is only her and Chip.

"Most of them are outside." He tells her. "Come on then." She grabs his hand pulling him off the sofa. "Where are we going?" Chip follows her. "Outside, duh." She laughs.

"When we die, are we actually gonna have like our favourite snacks?" Max asks. "What the fuck?" Holly laughs. "That's not really a thought though." Kate tells him.

"In the sense of cool. You're in the grave, your dead until like uhh however long. But, like do you get to eat snacks and stuff." Max shrugs. "Anyways." Kate trails off, changing the subject.

"Wait, Liv, can you get it in the hoop by kicking it?" Holly asks, bouncing the basketball on the grass. "I can try." The brunette says. "Here." Holly chucks her the ball. "Thanks." Liv says, putting the ball on the ground.

"Three, two, one." Chip counts down before Liv kicks the ball and gets it in the hoop. "Yes!" Holly runs over to the football freestyler hugging her. "You don't it!" Chip joins in on the hug, and starts jumping up and down.

"You have a try." Liv looks a Holly. "Alright." She breathes out grabbing the ball. "You've got this babe." Chip cheers her on. "Three, two, one." Liv counts down. "I've got this." Holly whispers before kicking the ball.

"Did that just happen?" She rhetorically asks, as Chip runs and hugs her. "You did it!" He shouts kissing her cheek. "Bog beat that you fucker!" Holly turns to the camera and holds both her middle fingers up.

"Where have the girls gone?" Holly asks when she sees that it's only the boys and her outside. "They went to go and check on Destini." Ilyas tells her. "Ahh." Holly nods, sitting down. "Are you not going to go?" Max asks her. "No." Holly laughs leaning back.

"Why?" Ilyas asks. "Because I know that I will say something that will make her upset. And I don't really want the nation hating me." Holly turns to him. "Fairs." Ilyas nods.

"That's why I don't prefer to see negative comments. Because, when you're out of control there's nothing in your power you can do. You see a negative comment and it gets to you; you can't just go and read all the nice comments." Chip explains, throwing his arm around Holly.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now