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"Am I the tallest here now?" Chip asks, as everyone sits in their groups. "You are." Ilyas nods, making Chip stand back and gasp. "You are." The red team starts cheering. "Love that Debby Ryan." Holly laughs after Chip pretends to put hair behind his ear.

"This is order, we asked the public to rate you in a series of categories. Well, they bloody best have voted me most relatable." Holly says after she reads. "Just read." Ilyas tells her. "Alright." She rolls her eyes, looking back at the front of the room.

"You have to position yourselves in the order they voted you in. For each question, you will choose first, second, third and last place out of all ten housemates. For each correct placement, your team will receive one point." Holly finishes reading.

"I'm definitely most Lazy, so if that's a category, we all know where I'm going." Holly looks at her teammates. "Holly we know." Ilyas nods, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Cool." She looks to the floor.

"My hearts going to be broken after this." Max says. "You'll be alright Max." Holly looks at him. "What, will you fix my heart?" He asks her. "No." The brunette shakes her head.

"Red team you're up first."

"Hit me." Chip looks towards the camera. "What was that for!" Chip turns to his girlfriend after she punched his arm. "You said hit me." She put her hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, not actually Holls." He tells her. "Oh." She nods slowly. "Sorry." She looks up and gives him an awkward smile. "It's fine." He laughs, slinging his arm around her.

"Who's the laziest?" Destini reads. "Where are you going?" Kate asks Holly as she starts walking to the front. "First place we all know that's where I am." The twenty-seven-year-old stops in her tracks and looks around. "We've agreed on this already." She shrugs.

"Oh yeah, keep going." The blonde itches her head. "Thank you." Holly shakes her head walking to the highest podium.

"The next to are definitely out of me Billy and Max." Chip says. "Me, I'm lazy?" Max points to himself. "Yeah, hundred per cent. It's out of us three for second and third." Chip nods his head.

"What's Kate saying?" Holly asks from the podium. "I don't do much." The blonde shrugs, turning to look at the brunette. "Yeah but you still like do shit right? Or do you not do shit?" Chip asks Kate making her turn to look at him.

"I don't make breakfast, I don't make coffee." She goes to list, but Chip interrupts her. "Nah." He shakes his head. "Let her talk babe." Holly tells him. "Well, I'm definitely on here somewhere." Chip shrugs, walking closer to Holly.

"Why are you looking at me though?" Billy points to himself after he sees Chip staring at him. "Bro you do Nish." Chip points at him. "Bro, this is sexist." Billy shakes his head. "How?" Holly asks him.

"It just is sexist." Billy shrugs. "But, let me stop you there. Because you actually do make coffee here and there." Chip itches his chin, thinking about it. "Exactly, bro, I was the coffee maker for the first two days, bro." Billy stands up, handshaking Chip.

"Max, Max, get up." Chip smiles when the nineteen-year-old looks at him. "Yeah, I think Max." Destini agrees. "So what order should we do it in?" Chip questions.

"I know it's myself in first place Max in second and to be honest I don't think you're on this Josh I'll be honest." Holly shakes her head. "Why?" He asks her. "Because it's not from our perspective, it's from the public's." She explains.

"Yeah, and they've probably seen me be a lazy shit." He laughs. "Nah, I don't think they have. I mean yeah you are a lazy shit, but the public probably doesn't think you are. That's what I'm trying to say. But, you do you and go to second place because I don't give to shits where you go." Holly yawns.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now