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Holly's POV:
"No, right there Holly." Josh tells me as I'm on his back, giving him a massage. "Right fucking where? Man, I ain't a mind reader, I don't know where you fucking going on about." I complain, waiting for him to tell me where.

"Right there." He breathes out, pointing to the side of his back. "Well, why didn't you tell me it was there?" I shrug, massaging that spot. "I have been, like for five minutes." He laughs. "Make it clearer next time." I shake my head.

"Right so are like... Are you two dating or not?" Kate asks, looking down at us from her bunk. "Yeah, I was wondering that as well." Destini says, holding her hand in the air.

"Do you wanna tell them?" Chip asks me as he beacons me closer. "I don't know, you decide." I whisper. "Very helpful Holl's, very helpful." He nods. "So are you, or what?" Rachel asks. "Yes, we are." Chip shouts making everyone scream.

"No way really?" Kate asks, her hand covering her mouth. "Yes, really." Holly nods, looking up at the blonde. "Wait so you two have been talking about each other for this entire time?" Harry asks.

"Yes." Both me and Chip nod. "Woah, that's mad." Harry shakes his head. "Wait, you two are dating?" Max stands up and points to us.

"Oh my god, Max!" Grace shouts, making everyone laugh. "What?" He shrugs his shoulders cluelessly.

"That's what we've been talking about for like, the past five minutes." I look at him after the laughter dies down. "Oh." He scratches his head as he sits back down on his bed.

"Wait, why didn't you three react as badly?" Rachel points to Liv, Grace and Ilyas. "We already knew, init." Ilyas shrugs. "How did you find out?" Destini asks.

"Well I've known the longest, I've been friends with Holly for years. So, she had to tell me." Ilyas laughs. "Shut up bruv, you were not even the first to find out." I scoff, chucking a pillow at him.

"Tough luck." Ilyas smiles at me when he catches it. "Better luck next time." He throws it back at me, making it hit my face. "Don't laugh!" I shout, looking at the housemates.

"Then I found out, like four months ago." Grace shrugs. "Yeah, how tho?" Harry asks her. "Basically, yeah..." Grace looks at him. "Oh, here we go, here's the storytime." Holly shakes her head.

"Shush." Grace turns to me and holds up her finger. "Rude." I scoff. "So, I had just finished filming an episode of my podcast, with Holly yeah. And Chip was there. Bearing in mind, he's not normally behind the camera when I film. So, I thought that was quite weird." Grace informs everyone.

"But anyway, we wrap up and as I'm walking outside I see Chip and Holly kissing. I thought, what a fucking scandal. So, the next day I called Holly, and surprise, surprise, she was with Chip. And they confessed after I told them what I saw." Grace tells her short storytime.

"Now you're making out like we were ready to rip each other's clothes off. That was not the case." I spin my body so I'm at the end of the bed. "That's what it looked like." She shrugs.

"Bruv, it was a little peck." I say, turning my head around when I feel Chip get up. "Alright, whatever you say. But, my eyes saw, what they saw." Grace holds up her hands in surrender.

"I didn't know you knew tho." Ilyas points to Liv. "Yeah, I found out yesterday. I'm surprised none of you figured it out." She turns to the people who didn't know.

"I had my suspicions, on a gang ting." Max holds up his hand. "Sure you did" I scoff. "Walahi, I knew something fishy was going on between you two." He turns to me.

"Alright, I believe you." I yawn stretching. "But don't say anything about us." Chip tells the housemates. "Nah, we won't say anything." Everyone replies.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now