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"You know what, last night I was actually feeling kinda sad. I genuinely was sad, I don't think I spoke for like, three hours after I did Holly's massage." Chip itches his cheek.

"I think I was sad, because, Ilyas's boys keep messaging him, and none of my boys have. So, I was disappointed." He explains.

"I also think Holly's quite upset as well. I mean, I know she's got a little message from Chunkz. But, she just, wants one from Bog." Chip shrugs.

"So please, show a comment from Harold, or one of the others. I'm begging you. Holly deserves it." Chip puts his hands together, looking into the camera lens.

"And to make it worse, you guys took away my photo book. But, I clocked it from early, that's why I had a secret stash. That you lot didn't know about." Chip laughs, digging through the envelope. Pulling out a picture where you can't see Holly's face.

"These are pictures, of me and my girlfriend from the sidemen nine year anniversary party. I won't even lie, it gets me bricked up, looking at that. But, I'm not sure if it's her or me. Because, if you look at me there." Chip points to himself in the picture.

"I mean, yeah she looks good. But, look at me." Chip smiles, turning the picture so he can look at it.

"Say if someone asked you for a picture, could you say no?" Max asks, Holly, Ilyas and Chip. "Could I say no to a picture?" Chip asks himself, as he turns to Max.

"Yeah, I could." Holly nods. "It depends on the setting." Ilyas says making Holly point to him in agreement. "I, I, I find it cringe if I say no." Max shrugs.

"No, but you have to understand it depends on the setting. Because we could be literally in the middle of eating. Like, someone's for food in their mouth, napkin in your chest. And someone comes, yo can I get a picture, and they'd just say nah." Ilyas explains.

"I can't lie, if someone's using napkins they're fucking posh." Max shakes his head, interrupting Ilyas. "Who the fuck wears napkins?" He laughs, turning to Chip and Holly.

"Prick." Holly sits up, taking her head off Chip's chest, and faces the nineteen-year-old. "I eat with a napkin, I'm the farthest thing away from being fucking posh." She scoffs.

"Yeah, you are." Max nods in agreement. "What's that supposed to mean?" Holly asks, pretending to be serious.

"Um, you said it, I just repeated you." Max holds his arms up. "I'm just playing with you." She laughs, laying back down.

"Fucking hell, a bit more gentle next time." Chip looks down at Holly after she hits Chip's chest laying down. "Sorry, my head ain't that hard." She laughs, closing her eyes. "You never put a napkin here?" Ilyas asks, motioning to the top of his shirt.

"I'm a grown man." Max says. "Trust me, when you go out to eat in nice places, you've got to put a napkin on." Ilyas tells him.

"Chunkz is a very nice guy man like I've known him for, this is one of the YouTubers I've known longest you know." Chip explains. "Yeah, I think he said you were the first one to find him right?" Ilyas asks, pointing to Chip.

"Yeah, like..." Chip starts but gets interrupted. "I think you might've been the first one." Ilyas nods.

"I remember always saying they were gonna blow up. We used to play when he had like four k subs." Chip nods.

"I think you were the first, he told me before we come in. I think, he said you were the first one that said he was gonna blow." Ilyas explains.

"Yeah, I just, knew. He was so funny." Chip tells the man. Out of nowhere, Holly starts to laugh, making everyone jump, as they thought she was sleeping. "Why're you laughing?" Ilyas asks, chucking a pillow at the woman.

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