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"This girl is always asleep, I swear." Billy points to Holly, as she sleeps on Chip's bed. "It's because she doesn't sleep during the night." Chip tells him, turning to look at his girlfriend.

"Why's that?" Rachel wonders. "Don't know. Well, I do know it's just long to explain." Chip says, still staring at his girlfriend. "I clocked it, I clocked it." Max repeats clicking his fingers.

"What have you clocked?" Chip asks when Max stands in front of him. "You're a booky don." Max points at the twenty-eight-year-old. "What the fuck, how?" Chip shrugs.

"You stare at Holly all the time, it's a bit weird, I can't lie." Max tells him. "Yeah, I don't see a problem with that." Chip squints his eyes. "You just stare it's creepy." Max shakes his head.

"I'm not starting to be creepy, I stare because I admire her beauty." Chip explains, turning back to his girlfriend. "Staring again." Max tuts, walking out of the room. "Just jealous you don't have someone as beautiful as Holly." Chip mutters under his breath.

"It's raining, it's pouring, My eyes, oh, they're stormy, And I don't wanna leave this bed. It's raining, it's pouring
It's four in the morning, And I don't wanna cry but I need you here 'cause I'm a Mess." Holly sings, laying down on the grass.

"Holly, what are you doing?" Sugarlips asks, making the brunette look at the camera. "Oh, I'm lying in the rain, singing." She shrugs. "Why? You'll get a cold." Sugarlips tells her.

"I won't, I do this multiple times. It's my therapy you know?" Holly lays back down. "I understand, have a nice time." Sugarlips says. "Don't worry, I will." Holly smiles looking at the sky.

"Here we go, who would've thought." Chip says, walking outside. "We're at one with nature right now." Grace says. "This really is humbling." Chip just stands in the rain.

"This is beautiful, it would be more beautiful with Holly though." Grace mentions. "Yeah, where the hell has she gone?" Liv asks. "Have no clue, she was sleeping like an hour ago." Chip shrugs.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Holly sits up from the grass, making Chip, Liv, Grace and Max jump back and scream. "What the hell!" Max shouts.

"What?" Holly asks innocently standing up. "How long have you been out here for?" Olivia asks her. "Like fifty minutes, why?" Holly laughs.

"We couldn't find you anywhere." Grace pulls the girl towards the others. "What are you four doing?" Holly asks, looking between them.

"We're having a spiritual reset." Chip looks towards her. "This is sad." Max looks at everyone. "This is nice." Grace tells him. "Should we all have a group hug?" Max asks. "Go on." Holly smiles, wrapping her arms around Chip and Liv.

"Breathe in." Chip says, as they all huddle together. "Your breath is hot." Chip looks at Max, making everyone laugh. "Ooo, it's really raining here." Grace says as the rain hits her. "Imagine laying down in it, for like fifty minutes." Holly laughs.

"It looks like you've had a shower." Liv tells her. "Saves me from having one tonight then I guess." Holly shrugs. "This reminds me from when I was like five years old when I use to smell of shit." Chip nods. "What?" Everyone asks him.

"Yeah, but you always smell like shit when you're five right?" He asks. "No babe, that's just you." Holly pats his shoulder. "Look at Ilyas looking at us." Grace points to the window.

"He's missing out on so much fun." Holly laughs. "Looks like he's going to murder us." The blonde says. "Hope he goes for me first." Holly smiles. "Holly, not funny." Chip scolds. "Sorry." She holds her hands up.

"So, when do we go in?" Grace asks. "I don't have a clue." Holly shrugs. "Okay, everyone be quiet and close their eyes." Grace tells the four. "Alright cool." Max nods.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now