Wednesday's Arrival

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Ajax and I meet the first day me and Enid came to the school. He had a massive crush on me, I found out, but when me and Bianca started dating he found out that I liked girls, but that didn't stop him from spending every single day with me.

Especially when Bianca broke up with me for that art snob Xavier, Ajax was there for me. I new about Enid's crush on Ajax, and  even tried telling him a few times. But he was too dumb to get what I was trying to say, so I gave up quickly.

"Hey is that your sister? Should we tell her about her new creepy roommate?" Ajax asked pointing towards Enid who had just walked out into the courtyard.

"She can't be that bad." I replied as Ajax grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

"Come on." Ajax replied, pulling me along as I groaned and started walking along side him.

I wasn't a morning person. So whenever the sun was out I was in an interesting mood. But Ajax and Enid were use to it by now, they don't even try to get my spirits up anymore.

With every step we took my long curly blonde hair bounced. And my bright blue tips were vibrant against my uniform. And where ever I went I was fidling with the silver braclet that Ajax got me after my break up with Bianca.

"My vlog is, like, the number one source for nevermore gossip." Enid explained to the open air which confused me a little bit as me and Ajax approuched.

I smiled before starting a conversation, "Yo, sis! Your not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate."

"She eats human flesh. Totally chowed down on that kid she murdered. You better watch your back." Ajax continued as Enid stepped out of the way to reveal a girl with two black, who was standing behind her.

"Quite the contrary. I atually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie pets." The girl explained causing Ajax and Enid's face to go sour but a smile grew on my face.

"Cool." I smiled as Enid and Ajax looked at me confused but I just shrugged my shoulders seeing Wednesday hide a small smirk.

"Ajax, Nixi, this is my new roommate Wednesday." Enid introuduced the pair of us to Wednesday and I held out my hand.

Wednesday looked from my hand to my face before shacking my hand. But I felt a small zap causing me to jump as I rubbed my hand Wednesday was just holding.

"Woah, how'd you do that." I asked with a large smile as Wednesday looked shocked.

Usually that trick would scare someone off. But Nixi, she seemed different, she was different. And I was starting to like her already.

"It's an Addams seceret." Wednesday explained still in slight shock it looked like.

"Your like a living instragram filter." Ajax said as I pushed him away and Enid took over.

"Ignore him, Gorgans usually spend most of their time getting stoned. He's cute but clueless." Enid explained and I just chuckled slightly, knowing far to much about her crush on my best friend.

"It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you." Enid continued as I walked back to Enid's side who was now standing infront of Wednesday instead of to the side of her.

"You should really get on insta, snapchat, and tiktok." I exclaimed jumping up and down a little causing my hair to go everywhere.

"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation." Wednesday said with a straight face causing me to frown slightly.

"What if I taught you. I can give you tips on how to not always be on your phone. Because unlike some people here, I know how to do that." I explained and she just looked at me weird.

"I'll think about it." She said in a tone that I don't think she is going to think about it.

With that Wednesday walked away and I looked at my sister confused. Wednesday doesn't seemed to pleasent.

"I'm sure she'll grow on you." I said noticing the sour face on Enid's face causing me to chuckle lightly, "I already like her."

"You like everyone, you found a way to like Bianca." Enid said making a frown fall apoun my face as I looked at her, "Wait Nixi..."

But I didn't want to hear it. I know that she doesn't like Bianca, but Bianca made me really happy. Until she broke up with me for that art snob.

I huffed and stomped away. The longer I walked towards my dorm, the more pissed off I seemed to get. To the point where my blue painted nails turned into my werewolf claws.

I rolled my eyes as I practically kicked the door to my empty dorm open. Now I'm offically the only person without a roommate.

I wonder how Wednesday ended up in a room with my sister. They seem like complete opposits. But me and Wednesday are also complete opposits and I seem to like her.

I looked over at the bouquet of flowers that were in a vase on my desk. The bouquet of flowers that Bianca brought over a few weeks ago. When her and Xavier broke up, but I refuse to be a rebound.

There was a knock on my door and I groaned as I rolled off my bed. I walked towards the door, only to see Wednesday. I was going to say something when she stormed into my room and shut the door behind her.

"Can I help you?" I asked turning to look at her.

"Nixi is it?" She asked with the same cold expression she wore when we first met, I'm guessing that's her resting face.

"Yeah..." I replied as I went to sit on my bed.

"Do you have an extra bed? Your sister is bothering me." Wednesday asked but she was already getting into my extra bed so I couldn't really fight her on it.

"Yeah, it's all yours." I smiled finally having someone in the room besides myself.

It was nice, even though I was kind of scared I wasn't going to wake up in the morning.

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