The fight

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"Do you need me to stay here tonight? Or send Wednesday?" Xavier asked as we got to my room and I limped over to the closet, "What are you doing?"

"The monster, I figured out who it was tonight." I replied as I pulled the board out.

"You did!" Xavier shouted as he shut the door.

Everyone that was present during every attack was on the board. So there was me, Xavier, Tyler, and Wednesday. Which would make one of us three the monster.

And incase it wasn't one of us. We had a few backups. Like Mrs. Thornhill, Enid, Principal Weems, and even Sheriff Galpin.

"It was Tyler." I said as I looked over at Xavier, his face was full of shock, "Just think about it, he was present during every attack. He was at the Rave'N when Eugene got attacked. He knew that Wednesday was going to check out the old meeting house when she was attcked. He was at the fair when Rowan was attacked and Wednesday was saved."

"I always knew there was something off about him." Xavier claimed as he looked at me.

"The only thing is, when you think about Tyler, you would think he's to innocent to do this stuff." I continued to go on and Xavier glared at me.

"He's to innocent? Did you forget what he did to me on Outreach day?" He asked.

"X, he changed since then, and no attacks happened during that time." I continued to explain and he sighed as he sat down on my bed, "We just need to figure out a way to tell Wednesday without getting me killed."

"What do you mean without getting you killed?" Xavier asked confused.

"Before you found me, Wednesday, Enid, and Tyler. Tyler found me first. And he said if I were to tell anyone about this he'd kill me next time. Or hurt me again." I explained as I just starred at the board, not once turning to look at Xavier.

"Okay, but you told me." Xavier said as he walked over and stood by my side.

"Yeah, because I trust you." I said turning to look at Xavier, "And Wednesday still thinks your the monster. So, I think it's best if you know who really is. Now, you should probably get to your dorm before we get into anymore trouble."

"Right, night Nixi." Xavier said placing a small kiss on my forehead and leaving the room.

I pushed the board back in my closet where I stayed starring at it. This whole thing just doesn't make sense. Tyler seems to innocent to have done this on his own. Plus, he's a how would he know that he was the monster?

All of these questions and concerns flooded my head. But I was pulled from my thoughts when the door opened and closed.

"Nixi?" I heard Wednesday ask.

"In the closet." I said as I started to walk out.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"I have something to tell you, and I know you might not believe me. But your really have to try." I explained to her.

"Okay..." She trailed off as she looked at me concerned.

"Tyler...he's the monster." I said looking her in the eyes, and I could just tell she didn't believe me, "You don't believe me do you?"

"No, it's Xavier." Wednesday replied.

"Wednesday, I was the one that got attacked, the one that saw Tyler transform." I explained to her.

"Xavier, showed up out of nowhere that night." Wednesday continued.

"No, I called him because I couldn't find you or Enid. And Tyler was no where to be seen because he was the damn monster!" I shouted at her.

"Why are you defending Xavier? I thought you two hated each other?" Wednesday asked.

"Things change Wednesday, like you coming here." I shouted back and she looked at me confused as I calmed myself down, "Have you ever thought about how much I go through, just for people to know your not as creepy, or scary as you seem."

"Nixi-" Wednesday tried but I immidatly cut her off.

"No, Wednesday, it's time you shut up and listen to me." I shouted and Wednesday shut her mouth right away, she was seeing a new side of me tonight, "You will use anyone to get what you want, even if it means putting your girlfriend in danger! Or your friends in danger! I could have died tonight, you and Enid could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession."

"But we didn't." Wednesday replied and I could tell she was fighting back tears, her eyes were glossy and here usual cold glare had fallen, "And now I'm one step closer to solving this case. That is what is important."

I scoffed as tears streamed down my face, "I've tried really, really, really hard to be your friend, to be your girlfriend! I always put myself out there. I thought of your feelings, like if you had any. Told people, 'I know she gives off serial killer vibes, but she's just shy' because your what's most inportant to me! But this stupid monster is what's most important to you?!"

"I never asked you to do any of that for me." Wednesday replied.

"You didn't have to because that's what a girlfriend does!" I shouted making her jump slightly from my sudden anger, "They don't have to be asked. And the fact that you don't know that says everything!"

I looked at Wednesday both of us stayed quite. I then pointed towards the door, "Get out, I need to be alone right now."

Wednesday looked at me and was hesitant to leave me alone. But in the long run she did. She left and I callapsed to the floor in tears.

That's when I wolfed out, and everything in my room was broken, or thrown across the room. When the door opened and I came back to my regular form.

Mrs. Thornhill stood in the door way and looked at me shocked. I looked at her full of anger, as if I was going to kill her.

"What do you want." I hissed glaring at her.

"Tyler told me you know. So now, you won't be able to tell anyone." Mrs Thornhill said raising a gun.

"Your the other person." I laughed, "I knew he wasn't doing this alone. What are you gonna do kill me?"

"No, but I'm going to get you somewhere, where you can't mess with my plans." Mrs. Thornhill replied as she pulled the trigger.

"Ah...shit...not again." I groaned as I felt for my stomach and the next person to walk towards my room was Enid and she let out an ear breaking scream as she dropped her stuff and ran over to me.

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