Cross the line

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I was reading when there was rapid knocking on the door. I huffed and put my book down before going to answer the door. But nobody was there.

I then felt a tapping on my foot and I looked down to see Thing. I knew that Wednesday needed me so I turned off my light and put on my jacket.

"Lead the way." I waved my hand around as I closed my door and followed Thing.

I was confused when we were walking towards Xavier's art shed. I thought that Wednesday and Xavier weren't on speaking terms. And unless Xavier stole Thing, I know that Wednesday is out here.

"Wednesday?" I asked as me and Thing came into the open and Thing climbled up onto my shoulder.

"Yeah?" She asked popping out of nowhere and I almost stumbled to the ground.

"You really have to stop doing that. I'm easily scared." I huffed as Wednesday walked towards me holding a paper, "What's that?"

"You know the vision I had in Crackstone's Crypt?" Wednesday asked as we started walking towards the shed, "These doors were in the vision."

"You think they're important?" I asked as I took the paper.

"That's what I need Xavier for." Wednesday replied and I sighed.

"Are you ever going to talk with him, to be friends?" I asked, "Instead of, you know, using him?"

Wednesday didn't reply and she opened the door to the shed. Xavier was using a paint brush to thrown paint onto a canves. It seemed like a good way to get anger out.

Hearing our footsteps, Xavier turned his head. He looked confused as Wednesday snatched the paper from my hand.

"I need your help." Wednesday started and Xavier started to smile, "Don't gloat."

"What, do you want some drawing lessons?" Xavier asked.

"For your information, I'm actully decent at art." I replied as he walked over.

Wednesday held the page out as he set the paint can down. He took the picture from Wednesday and looked at it while reaching over and turning his music off.

"Your line work's a little shaky." He explained as he watched Thing run across the floor.

"I saw that in a vision. Do you recognize it?" Wednesday asked and I raised an eyebrow confused.

"Wait, why didn't you just ask me?" I asked.

Neither of the two answered. Xavier just pointed to a picture on the wall. A picture of the gate drawn on Wednesday's paper. But his drawing was a hundred times better.

"When did you draw this?" Wednesday asked as Xavier sat down.

"Couple days ago." Xavier replied, "I started having those dreams again, like before."

"Was the monster in them?" I asked curiously and Wednesday looked at Xavier for an answer.

"No, but I could feel it in the shadows." Xavier answered as he raised his hand to his head, "You know, kind of lurking in my mind."

"You know where this is?" Wednesday asked.

"It's the old Gates mansion." I answered.

"I pass it when I go running." Xavier added, "Why?"

Thing in the corner was tapping on the desk. Causing all three of us to turn towards the noise. And when we did Thing pulled a tarp off of a canves that showed an amazing portrait of Wednesday playing the cello.

I smiled looking at the painting. Because it was my design. I just asked Xavier to paint it for me. And he didn't agree he just took my design and walked away. He was being extremley secretive that day, it was weird.

Xavier sighed and looked down at the ground. And me and Wednesday walked towards the painting while he cleared his throat.

"Okay. Listen..." Xavier said as he stood up and followed us.

"After you bailed on me for the dance, I just wanted to forget about you, but I couldn't." I started to explain to Wednesday, "So, I drew out something of you, and asked Xavier to paint it..."

Wednesday didn't say anything as Xavier put his hand between the two of our heads. The painting started to move and play the cello.

Wednesday just turned around and walked out. I looked at Xavier and he pointed at the door. Telling me to go after Wednesday.

"Right, sorry. It's been awhile sense I've been in a relationship." I ranted as I started to walk out the doors, "Wednesday, I'm sorry. I crossed the line, you must feel so freaked out right now."

"I enjoy being freaked out." Wednesday said turning around, "You can never cross the line."

"Really?" I asked hopeful and she nodded her head as she walked over and kissed me before walking away.

My cheeks flushed red as I twirled around. I loved my relationship with Bianca, I truly did. But even though Wednesday barely shows any emotion when we're in public, I'm not even on the ground when I'm with her.

A/n: Sorry I didn't update sooner, I just moved today so I was extremley busy.

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