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I woke up in my bed, I don't even remember getting here. I looked around and nothing was there. The room was empty like usual.

I slid off my bed and put my uniform on before putting my hair in a high ponytail. And I put my tennis shoes on as I hopped down to the quad.

As I got to the quad my vision suddenly got blury. I leaned up against a piller with my hand over my eyes.

"What are you doing?" A voice came out of nowhere as I jumped.

"Don't scare me like that." I huffed as I opened my eyes to see a blury Wednesday, "I can't see."

"Well you did have seizer yesterday." Wednesday said and I looked at her confused.

"I had a what?" I asked as I tried to stand up but I started to fall.

She quickly moved to catch me before I fell to the ground. She set me back against the piller before walking in front of me.

"Your mom was yelling at you. I ran over telling her to stop right as you passed out shacking in my arms." Wednesday explained to me and I felt a little confused, because I don't remember any of this, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...yeah I think so." I replied as my vision started to unblur and I could properly, "Wait, why would you care?"

"I have to go my family is waiting." Wednesday said going back to her normal self, "They wan't to met you."

She started to walk away as I followed her. A lot of eyes were on me, so I assume a lot of people know what happened yesterday. Enid was looking at me to see if I was okay, Xavier was giving me a worried glance. And Ajax, was... well he was being Ajax.

"Mom, Dad, Pugsley...this is Nixi." Wednesday said while glaring at her family.

"So, your the girl Wednesday has told us so much about." Wednesday's mom said as she stood from her seat along with her father and brother.

"Your a lot better looking in person." Pugsley said as Wednesday wacked his head, "I mean...your pretty."

"It so good to finally meet you--" Her father said when he was cut off.

"Gomez Addams." The Sheriff said as Wednesday pulled me away from her father.

"How can I help you, Sheriff?" Gomez asked as he turned around.

"Your under arrest for the murder of Garret Gates." The Sheriff said cuffing Gomez, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you."

"I'm sorry Wednesday." I said as she turned to look at me before walking away and pulling me with her, "Wednesday are you okay?"

Wednesday didn't say anything. She didn't show any emotion in her face, like she did when we found Eugene. And when we got to her room she sat on her bed as I sat next to her.

"What just happened?" I asked her confused.

"I talked to the Sheriff, I found out that my father was convicted of murder a few years ago. But the charges were dropped." Wednesday explained to me as I looked at her confused, "My parent's continued to lie to me, so I uncovered the truth."

"I'm so confused...why would you do that? To your own father?" I asked as I sat criss crossed on her bed and she did the same turning towards me.

"Maybe, I should just talk to the sheriff." Wednesday sighed, "What if my father doesn't deserve this?"

"I recommend you talk to your father first." I said, and as she looked into my eyes I couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Wednesday, look I know you claim that your not a friendship person, let alone a relationship person...but I have to ask, what are your feelings towards me?" I asked, because I was finally done with the heart break, and the hurting, I wanted to know the truth.

"A few weeks ago, maybe you were right, and Xavier was right. I have a soft spot for you, I don't know how. I don't even have a spot for my family." Wednesday explained as she looked at me, and for the first time she was going soft.

Wednesday Addams was going soft.

" would you feel about considering a relationship?" I asked her.

"Nero was my first heartbreak...I don't want you to be my second." Wednesday explained to me and my heart broke at her words.

"Wednesday..." I sighed, "I want us to be more then friends..."

"You'll snap out of it." Wednesday replied going back to her regular self.

"No, no I won't." I laughed.

"Like I said, I'm not friend material, let alone more then friend material." Wednesday replied, "I'll ignore you, stomp on your heart, and always put my needs and intrests first."

"Wednesday, you've been pushing me away since day one! And it hasn't worked yet." I sighed getting off the bed and looking down at her.

"What if I kill you?" She asked getting off the bed.

"Then I die, or I fight to survie." I replied as I looked at her, "I don't care if we're doing the most dangerous thing in the world! As long as I'm with you...I'm tougher then I look."

"Your making a mistake." Wednesday said as I walked towards her.

"Am I?" I asked, with a slight smile.

"Definetly." Wednesday replied and I chuckled a little bit.

"Then it's a damn good mistake." I replied before I kissed her, and to my surprise she kissed me back.

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