No rules

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(The bold is Wednesday)

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(The bold is Wednesday)

This story is about to take a dark turn. Usually, I love dark turns. Like when the carousel brakes mysteriously failed at my 8th birthday party... But not this one.

Me, Enid, and the others in the Opheilia hall were working on our boat. The face was being painted and Enid was bossing everyone around like the previous years.

Unlike her, I don't take this competetion to seriously, but this is life or death to her. I could care less if we win or lose. And that's only because we always lose.

"Ladies, come on! Let's work on those teeth." Enid encouraged the two girls painting the face while I sat inside the boat working on some special effects for this year.

I can't handle listening to Enid complain again. And it's only because the other teams have ways to get other boats to sink. Where we don't do anything.

"More scoal. This kitty is taking no prisoners." Enid said before walking towards the middle of the boat where I was laying on the inside, "If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out."

See what I mean.

"I would pay money to see that." The familer voice of Wednesday was heard and I raised an eyebrow.

Wasn't she suppose to be gone?

I poked my head out from the boat and smiled at her. She gave me a confused look as my face was covered in paint and bruises. But nows not the time for an explanation.

Well it is from her.

"Why the change of heart?" I asked leaning my chin in ontop of my hands as they were resting on the boat.

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game." Wednesday replied making me confused, what was that suppose to mean.

"You mean Rowan?" Enid asked.

"I witnessed his murder, Enid." Wednesday hissed causing me to look more confused then I already was.

"We all saw him this morning?" I said confused and it came out as a question as I looked at Enid.

"Very much, like, not dead." Enid continued my statement.

"I know." Wednesday said starring at me for a second before turning back to Enid, "Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind."

"Don't worry, I thought I was loosing my mind my first few weeks too. You get use to it." I said causing Wednesday to look at me with a half smile before hiding it like she usually does.

"It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated." Wednesday said with a sad expression causing me to bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh.

I love this girl.

"You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?" Wednesday asked, but this question clearly was for Enid, because I'm not a gossip queen.

"Other then being a weird offense." Enid replied trying to think of what to tell Wednesday.

None of us know Rowan that well.

"None taken." Wednesday added.

"Xavier Thorpe's his roommate." I explained because Enid clearly didn't know what to say, and I sometimes talked to Rowan, "If you had a cell phone you could just text and him and ask him."

"Yoko. Come on! Flare the whiskers!" Enid demanded walking towards Yoko as Wednesday turned to look at me.

"What are you doing?" Wednesday asked looking at the scars on my hand and my face.

"Okay, okay, check this out." I said as she walked towards me and I pressed a switch.

Something came flying out the front causing the two girls to jump out of the way. I smiled at Wednesday's reaction, I know we just meet. But I think we have some sort of special bound.

"The sirens always send someone into the water. Every year. I'm surprised none of the other teams have figured it out yet." I replied moving towards the front of the boat and pulling the net back in.

"What is this for anyway?" Wednesday asked and Enid over heard causing her to gasp.

"It's for the Poe Cup." I replied before Enid stormed over to the pair of us.

"My entire reason for living right now." Enid explained the Poe Cup while I just rolled my eyes, "Part coaneo race, part foot chase."

"And no rules." I replied with a bright smile, it's my favorite rule.

"Each dorm has to pick an Edger Allan Poe short story for inspiration." Enid further explained, "You could grab a brush."

"Ms. Thornhill's just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows causing Wednesday to look at me with a look of worry.

"I do like stabbing." Wednesday said causing my smile to drop as I wanted to smake myself in the face, "The social part, not so much. Besides, it'll cut into my writing time."

"No worries." Enid said with a smile.

"Just as long as you're lakeside cheering for us to victory on race day." I smiled and Wednesday looked at me with happy eyes, but her lips didn't twitch.

"Or you can just glare uncomfortably. Whatever works for you." Enid said before walking away.

I've always hated the expression "write what you know" It's a hall pass for imagination-impaired. But when your life becomes a twisted mystery with a lover... maybe it's time to lean into it.

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