crackstones crypt

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An annoyed sigh escaped Wednesday as Enid walked into the room

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An annoyed sigh escaped Wednesday as Enid walked into the room. I was laying on Wednesday's bed reading while she was doing...something.

She was surronded by candles, and when Enid opened the door. Every candle blew out.

"Sorry." Enid said putting her hands out in front of her in defense before entering the room, "I didn't mean to interrupt your...uh, do I even want to know?"

I shook my head no at her as Wednesday stood up. She walked out of the middle of her candles as I put my book down and got off her bed. And Enid turned the light on.

"I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative." Wednesday explained.

"Feels very on-brand for you. You have a realative named Goody?" Enid asked looking at the circle of candles and the name Goody written.

"She was one of the orginal outcasts. Been attemptimg to summon her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties." Wednesday said as I walked over and stood on her other side.

"Oh, you thought about using one of my scented candles?" Enid asked, "The aroma of steak tartare is to die for."

Then a soft sound came from the door. We all turned around to see a paper. Someone must have slid it under the door. And Wednesday went to check it out.

"Maybe Goody answered you after all." Enid said as I followed after Wednesday.

"I doubt she communicated in magazine cutouts." Wednesday said as she showed me the paper.

'If you want answers, meet inside crackstones crypt. Midnigt.' was spelled out on the paper. But I knew exactly what this was about, so did Enid.

We walked down there in the dark. My arm was linked to Wednesdays as she held a flashlight out in front of us. Enid was following closely behind us.

The noises of branches breaking and birds tweeting scared Enid. She stopped in her tracks and looked around with her claws out as me and Wednesday looked at her unimpressed.

"You insisted on coming along." Wednesday said while we were waiting for Enid to follow us, "I was fine with Nixi."

"You know, you dating my sister is turning into a real shit show for me." Enid sighed as she walked over to us and I smiled at her.

Enid and Wednesday pointed their flashlights at the door. It was slightly opened, and I could hardly hold back my excitement.

"Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here." Wednesday said as the three of us starred at the door.

"Ew." Enid replied, "What died?"

"Smells like childhood." Wednesday replied turning her head towards Enid, "Come on."

"Second thoughts. Why don't I just stay out here?" Enid asked because she had to go around and get the birthday cake.

Me and Wednesday started to walk in. It was quite and dark, the only thing to be heard were our footsteps. Despite I know that I'm safe, I kept my arm around Wednesday's as tight as I could.

"Nixi, your going to cut off circulation in my arm." Wednesday said and I let go of her arm.

"Sorry." I whispered as she grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

While we were walking further in I couldn't help but get the chills. This place creeps me out.

"Is this the part, where it was all a trap and the girlfriend gets eaten by the monster." I forced a nervous chuckle as Wednesday just gave me a look.

Clattering noises started and I jumped slightly. I turned around looking at what might be behind us. Wednesday did as well but there was nothing.

"Enid?" Wednesday asked.

There was nothing so we continued to walk further. While walking around someone coughed. I jumped slightly causing Wednesday to give me a stupid grin and I glared at her.

"Don't give me that!" I said pointing at her before she turned around.

"Whoever you are, show yourself." Wednesday demanded, "Try anything and you'll lose limbs."

Xavier and Ajax were the first to come out from hiding. Followed by everyone else as they all yelled surprise.

"Surpise." I smiled as I walked out from behind her.

Everyone started singing Happy Birthday. And Wednesday looked horrified. Which made my smile turn to a frown. Maybe she didn't want a birthday party.

Enid then came out with a birthcake. And continued singing as Wednesday just glared at everyone. Wednesday then pointed her flashlight in my face causing me to look away slightly.

"I should have know you were behind this." Wednesday sighed because she told me just the other the day, "What part of 'no party under the penalty of death' do you not understand?"

"Um, I'm your girlfriends and I wanted to do something special for you." I replied pushing her flashlight towards the ground so it was out of my face.

"I thought my cake design was pretty inspired." Xavier said as Wednesday and I turned back to everyone else.

"The pink balloon was my little touch." Enid added.

"If you couldn't tell." I laughed.

"Why don't you make a wish?" Enid said holding the cake closer to Wednesday.

But Wednesday didn't, instead she walked towards a wall letting go of my hand. I threw my hands in the air out of frustration.

"Wait, it's Latin." Wednesday said, "Fire will rain...when I rise."

"That's not really a wish." Enid said confused as I crossed my arms and glared at Wednesday.

"The first part of that was burned onto Nevermore's lawn. Nixi, don't you remember?" Wednesday asked as I walked towards her.

"Yeah, how could I forget? It was a weird day." I said.

"It can't be a coincidence." Wednesday continued.

"Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Ajax asked as I threw my flashlight at him, but it missed just barly.

Wednesday ran her hand over the latain words. And just like the other two times her head went flying back. Luckily I was behind her and I caught her.

"Woah, what the hell." A lot of the group said, because I'm the only one in the room that's actully seen it happen.

"Well so much for a birthday party." I mumbled as I held Wednesday from falling down.

A/n: I'll try not to do a lot of these, because I know they can be frustrating to read. But I just wanted to say thank you so, so, so, so, so very much for  all the reads. I thought my stories would get like five views and that was it. But this means the world to me. And to keep all of those who are following me, more intrested in my stories. I would love to hear about a story you want to read. It can be any show or movie or it can be another Wednesday story! THANK YOU!

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