Saving Xavier then Enid

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Running through the woods, as fast as I possibly could. Thing was slightly ahead of me, as I could see the police car ahead. Xavier had to be in there, and if he wasn't I might actually cry.

I gripped a branch that was slightly above me, and swung myself ontop of the car. Noticing that no one was in the drivers seat, but I could hear grunts, and chains rattling.

Thing landed next to me as he crawled to the back window. I could hear Xavier shouting excitedly as Thing waved to him.
I rolled off the other side knocking on the window.

"Hey X." I smiled as an even bigger grin formed on his face.

"Oh my god!" He said as I quickly opened the door climbing into the car next to him.

I took a bobby pin from my hair as I grabbed Xavier's chains. He grunted slightly, because I didn't notice they were so tight.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I let go and unlocked the locks with the bobby pin.

Xavier let out a sigh, breathing in the fresh air. He rested his head against the back window as the chains fell to the floor. I got out of the car and grabbed his hand pulling him with me.

"Okay listen, Wednesday, she's back at the school. You do whatever you can to keep her safe." I said as I grabbed Xavier's shirt and pushed him up against the car, "Do you understand me?"

Xavier nodded before giving me a questioning look before asking, "Why don't you do it?"

"Because my sister is out there." I said pointing towards the woods and slamming Xavier against the car again, "And she's fighting the Hyde alone. I find her and you find Wednesday."

"Yeah okay." Xavier said as he took off running towards the school and I ran as fast as I could through the forest.

I followed the sound of werewolf grunts, and the roars of the Hyde. And when I finally got close enough, I was behind a tree, and saw Enid get pushed against another one.

The Hyde looked to be foaming at the mouth as it held Enid's mouth shut. I got angry and ran towards the Hyde, tackling it to the ground. It's long clawed hand grabbed my face causing me to whimper as it flipped us over.

It's claws were out ready to strike. I felt the claws against my face. I bit my lip attempting not to scream. Another claw digging into my stomach as I bit my lip harder, and I felt blood coming from my lip.

The pain continued as I finally let out a scream. My hands pushing against the Hyde as my claws came out further. Digging into the Hyde as it rolled off me. A gunshot was heard but I completely ignored it as I got up again.

The Hyde getting up as well. It was still alive, and hasn't transformed into Tyler. But Enid was transforming back to herself. As I hoped to transform, but I couldn't.

"Come on, Nixi." I mumbled to myself as the Hyde started stepping forward, "COME ON!"

The Hyde swung at me again. I stumbled to the ground holding my arm in pain. I was getting my ass beat to say the least. I got angry and I ran feeling myself transform as I attacked the Hyde again. Scratching at it's face as I was kicked away.

I looked over to see Enid struggling with transforming as I was hit again. My body hitting a tree as I groaned.

I finally had enough. I ran towards the Hyde using all my strength to push it away. And the Hyde went flying into a tree knocking it down while it continued to roll until it transformed back to Tyler.

I transformed back into my normal self, "Don't piss me off." I mumbled looking at Tyler's body as he glared at me, before blacking out.

Enid stood up from the ground, the both of us covered in blood, and dirt. She looked dirtier, but I had a lot more injuries. Enid ran over engulfing me in a hug as I let out a sigh.

"Okay, Enid, that hurts." I groaned as she pulled away.

"Sorry..." She said as she looked down at the wound on my stomach, and then my arm, and then my face, "You look horrible."

"You look amazing too, Enid." I replied rolling my eyes as we started walking towards the school, Wednesday the first thing on my mind, while Enid was thinking of Ajax.

As we came out of the woods, we could see a group of kids. I'm assuming that Bianca and the others got everyone out. Ajax turned to see me and Enid and he ran into the woods.

But of course he engulfed Enid in a hug as I rolled my eyes. Mumbling to myself as I walked infront of the couple. We walked into the group, but I didn't see Wednesday anywhere.

"Where's Wednesday?" I asked as Enid and Ajax looked at me, while Xavier, Kent, and Divina looked scared.

Like I was going to kill someone.

I looked at everyone in fear until I noticed three people walking out of Nevermore. I didn't even care who they were, I ran out of the group of people to see Wednesday, Binaca, and Eugene.

Me and Enid both raced towards Wednesday pushing each other out of the way. We were both relieved that she was alive.

"She's my best friend." Enid shouted pushing me and I stumbled slightly before nudging her back.

"And she's my girlfriend." I said as Enid huffed and slowed down as I got to Wednesday first.

I didn't care about the pain, I didn't care that Wednesday wasn't a hugger. I wrapped my arms around her waste as she pulled away quickly. As everyone ran behind me.

I looked at her tears in my eyes, as her hand traced the cut on my cheek. She quickly pulled me back in wrapping her arms around my waste as I wrapped mine around her neck.

I closed my eyes enjoying the moment as Wednesday's face was buried into my shoulder. I knew everyone was behind us, but this was the moment I needed. I could feel the tears from Wednesday falling to my shoulders, but I was doing the same.

We pulled away again, my forehead resting against hers. She looked into my eyes, before she cupped my face and kissed me. But this kiss was different, I felt sparks before, but I felt like I was floating this time.

"Your my soft spot, Nixi Sinclair..." Wednesday whispered pulling me back into a hug.

"I know I am." I sighed as Enid ran over.

I walked away from Wednesday as Enid talked to Wednesday. Ajax and Xavier walked over as they both engulfed me in a hug.

"Okay, stop." I said as I groaned in pain, "That hurts you jerks!"

"What so it's only acceptable when Wednesday does it?" They teased me as I pushed them off me.

"You know it." I smiled as I watched Wednesday look towards me.

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