It's a hand

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"I have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass." Wednesday said looking from me and Enid to everything around us.

"And you want me to cover so that you can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen." Enid said going back to painting the boat.

"I have beekeeping club this afternoon." Wednesday informed Enid, the two of them talking as if I wasn't there, "I need you as decoy."

"Sorry. Two strikes." Enid explained, "I'm busy and bees totally creep me out."

"I can do it." I smiled as Wednesday looked at me but she shook her head no.

"No, I need you to come with me." Wednesday said and an even bigger smile grew on my face.

I think I'm important.

"Why don't you ask Thing?" I asked and Enid just rolled her eyes.

"She can't, because he's mad at her." Enid informed me causing me to raise my eyebrows confused.

It's a hand...

"Why is he mad? He's the one that screwed up with Rowan." Wednesday said just as confused as I was.

"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up." Enid explained causing me to gasp dramatically.

"You said you were to busy to do manis with me." I said with wide eyes as Enid gave me an apologetic smile, "You ditched me for a hand."

I then dramatically fell to the ground with a hand on my forhead. Enid just rolled her eyes playfully as Wednesay looked at me like I was a complete and total weirdo.

"He feels like you don't respect him as a person." Enid said going back to the orignal conversation as she turned to look at Wednesday.

"Technically, he's a hand." I said sitting up and getting the grass out of my hair as Wednesday pointed at me, because I was right.

"Wednesday, he's your family." Enid said, "And he would do anything for you."

"Would you do anything for me." I asked with a giant smile as I sat back down helping her paint.

"Depends." She replied before turning back to Wednesday, "Go apopgize and I'll reconsider helping you."

Wednesday stormed off, I'm assuming she's going to apolgozie to Thing. But I could be wrong, she could be going to find someone else to help her.

I don't know why she doesn't just ask Xavier. The way he is around her, he would do anything to help her. But maybe I'm wrong and she already asked him.

"It depends?" I questioned out of nowhere.

"Yeah, like if you want me to murder someone for you it's not going to happen?" Enid explained to me.

Later that day me, Enid, and Wednesday were in the bee house thing. I'm not sure what it is, but I don't like being her. I was standing with Wednesday while she was talking to Enid about what to do.

"If Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word." Wednesday informed Enid.

"Payback is going to be a bitch." Enid said before pointing at me, "For the both of you."

"I'd expect nothing less." Wednesday replied, but she's Wednesday, I on the other hand know that when Enid's mad it can be scary.

Wednesday then turned to Eugene, "Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb."

"Snitches get stung." Eugene said turning to the two of us, "It's hive code. Besides, I should be thanking you. This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed. Other then bees."

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