2. Fast Forward

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"Sir", Shaurya's assistant addressed politely. He nodded, acknowledging him with a soft smile. He always treated his employees with respect along being stern. His team was hired on pure merit. All deserved to be in their position, either by talent or experience. All his life he had been ill-treated owing to his low family status. Despite his caliber, he was seconded and often looked down upon. But things have changed now. He is no longer the meek boy who was charity case of Sharma family.

In last five years, Shaurya managed to build his own name. He will not deny that it all started with Sharma empire. But now his Khanna group of companies, is so vast and most successful. Infront of him, business of Sharma family seemed to be so tiny. He already proved to world that nobility is in your character and not just in your genes. He is clearly was aware of his worth. He needn't prove himself to snobbish lot anymore. Time has made them bow before him in awe. 

He was proud of himself but never let it get to his head. Yet he rejoiced to gloat only before one person. Mehek

"Sir, you have asked me to remind about your evening plan", his secretary gestured to his watch, "it's almost time". Shaurya too checked the time, "Thanks, Ram", he closed his laptop and got up to leave, "Mehek will be waiting for me". Ram nodded, admiring his boss. A man caring for his wife who is in coma for past five years. Any other would have moved on but he remained devoted to her. Several occasions, Ram has openly communicated his respect towards Shaurya. Today is another day. "Sir, you are truly one of a kind", Ram told him. Apart from a curt smile, Shaurya didn't react to his compliment.

Shaurya smirked as he gazed at Mehek's figure. To world, he is a unique man. A half widower because his wife may never come back to life while sleeping on her death bed. He is expected to move on, leaving her behind. But they never knew that it was she who kept him going forward without taking a break. If not for her, he wouldn't have taken leap to success in such a short period of life. They mistook it as his love for Mehek. But none realised that it was pure hatred that fuels his life.

"Happy Birthday, Mehek", Shauyra kissed her forehead. With best medical care and advanced treatment, her body has recovered a bit. She was able to breath on her own while her heart beats healthily without external machines. Yet science never gave hope that she may come to normal life. Jeevan and Kanta stood behind Shaurya. Although they knew it was pointless, birthday wishes were made and gift were brought for her.

Shaurya blew candles on her behalf. He took a pinch of cake, smearing it carefully on her lips. Jeevan and Kanta looked on when he put remaining piece of cake into his mouth. "Delicious", he spoke, "Did you like the flavour sweet heart? I specially ordered it for you". Others exhaled gazing at his antics. He took out his gift, a pair of cute ear studs. "I know you will love them", he told himself while making her wear it, "Suits you so well".

Jeevan kept his hand on Shaurya's shoulder, "Let it be, Shauyra. Come lets have dinner". "Jeevan Uncle, you carry on. I will have food with Mehek", Shaurya told decisively. Knowing that he will not change his decision, they left him with Mehek. Once they were alone, he smirked, "Remember, your birthday after our marriage", he rubbed her hand softly but his eyes were burning with fury, "you ruined me that day, Mehek. Breaking every last hope I had in our relationship"

********"Mehek, where the hell have you been?", Kanta grabbed her wrist, "And why are you wearing such odd cloths?", she was sure that Mehek  has worn a designer dress when she left. Mehek shrugged her shoulders in annoyance. She was least interested to explain to her aunt why she was wearing a man's shirt, "Look, you are under our roof just because of the benevolence of my father. Don't try to overdo by questioning me". Kanta fumed but she knew better not to anger the spoiled daughter of Balwant Sharma. "All were waiting for you last night to celebrate your birthday. But you were missing. Won't we be worried?",Kanta reasoned with him. "Oh, please. I was with the man I love. A night spend with him is better than any celebration with my so-called family", she retorted haughtily. 

"Mehek!!!", Balwant's roar echoed in hall. Eventhough Mehek's temper boiled, she didn't dare to anger her father. Her hatred for the man couldn't overpower her fear. Sensing the high voltage drama to unfold, Kanta left the scene silently. Her father studied Mehek from top to bottom. She was reeking of alcohol. Her disheveled status screamed of foul play. He bit down pain of disgrace, "Go and apologize to your husband". "You can't force me", she was stubborn. "Apologize or else...", he didn't complete as Mehek was well aware of the threat that made her helpless to bow before his unfair demands. She will be disowned by her father.

Being apple of his eye, Mehek knew her father will not abandon her. But the old man shared a strong obligation to the orphan boy that often made her doubt whether his threats are actually empty. As if on cue, her so called husband appeared near her father. "Mehek, I am waiting. Apologize to Shaurya NOW", Balwant ordered her sternly. "Let it be, SIr", Shaurya spoke timidly. But one stern look from the elder patriarch was enough for him to cower.

"I am not a patient man, Mehek", Balwant was irked by disobedience of his daughter. "I am sorry", Mehek mumbled carelessly. "Speak properly", he commanded. She plastered a fake smile while addressing Shaurya, "Dear Husband, I apologize. Sorry to have spoiled your party plans. as I chose to spend last night with the man I love rather than you. Because you are a man imposed on me whom I am disgusted to even to look at". Her dislike was not novel for Shaurya but he was shattered when she openly proclaimed her infidelity without shame. He knew she gave no value for their marriage yet never expected her to cheat him without any remorse.

"Mehek, you are crossing the line", Balwant was furious, "I will cut you off from my wealth. Then you will see that good for nothing lover in his true colours". "No, he won't", she shouted back at him, "Azaan loves me. And I love him". Shaurya winced although he was painfully aware of the truth. "We belong to one another; body, soul & heart", She moved from her father to him, sneering at him, "I will never be yours. You are nothing to me. I hate to even breath the same air  as you"********

Shaurya laughed wickedly. Years passed however his wounds were still fresh. "You are truly mine now, Mehek", he smirked, "completely under my mercy. Spending all your time with me", he tapped the ear studs resting on her earlob which he had gifted, "wearing the gifts I selected", he tasted another piece of cake, "having cake I ordered for you", he smiled viciously, "how much more can you belong to me even when not in body, soul or heart". 

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