10. Closure

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Shaurya splashed cold water on his face. Not once or twice but many times. He looked onto his image on mirror to check whether his mask has worn out. For many years, he had adorned the perfect mask of being loving husband who is taking care of his sick wife. But in real, he was just enjoying his pay back. He was relishing her helplessness while conquering heights of success. He never contemplated that a day would come up when she will leave him making him helpless, again.

Once more, same pain came back to torment him. Along came vivid memories, some good and many bad. The little time he had spent under that care of his mother. Those days when his mother was his whole world. A young boy who never imagined that he will be separated from his loving mother. The day she left him with Balwant Uncle, she didn't make any promises of returning back. Because his mother was honest and kind. She knew her fate was sealed when she decided protect her son against all odds. Although tearful, she kept a smile intact on her face when she asked him to be a good boy and made him promise to be nothing like his father. His young self was unable to grab the weight of his vow, nevertheless he gave his word to her. Shaurya always tried to be a good human so that his mother will be proud of himself. But today he doubted whether he had become more like the man he detested most.

His father. A cruel criminal with power and money. A man who forcefully bound a woman to him, just to keep himself content without caring a bit about her. Have I turned like him? His conscience pricked him. He too has kept Mehek tied to himself for his vengeance. But she deserves it. Another side of his mind justified him. She nothing like his mother. Faint image of his mother played before his eyes. An innocent woman who was caged in an unfortunate web spun by his father. She chose to love and nurture him despite being reminded of his father's cruelty. She has sacrificed her life just for his betterment. Her soul will be deeply hurt if he turned to hateful deeds for sake of revenge.

He remembered smiling face of Balwant Uncle, who always wished the best for him. He had filled the void of father figure in his life. A kind human who tried his best to give him a good life despite having no obligation. His did one mistake of marrying his wayward daughter with Shaurya. Perhaps he expected both children will be fine with time. Yet today both were suffering. Despite knowing Mehek's truth, his soul will also weep for her suffering and pitying his foster son.

Shaurya realised that he was hurting departed souls, especially those whom he held in great regard. Apparently he was destroying himself while chasing revenge. He decided that he has to move on.

He cannot disrespect his elders whom he cared. He will not live like shell of a man or worse become like his father. He will let her go. Good or Evil, Mehek's chapter needs to be closed. He can never forgive her ill deeds but he has to forget them for his own well-being. Let Almighty decide her punishment in afterlife. He still fears that once she fades away, his life will be devoid of any goal or direction. His heart squeezed at the scary thought. You will find one. Jeevan's words resonated in his ears. Perhaps one day he may find purpose for his life or atleast die trying to find it.

He walked into Mehek's room. Everything was intact except for the bed being empty. Probably will remain so. He glanced at their framed wedding photograph that was nailed on the wall. A deliberate effort from his side so that she has to be reminded of their fateful day. He studied the photograph. A young bride & groom, posing as happy couple while trying their best to look like a normal couple. But they were anything but normal. 

As soon as the camera clicked, Mehek broke down. It was one of those moments when she had succumbed to her agony. He had genuinely felt bad for her despite his own plight. Driven by sympathy, he had tried to keep a consoling hand on her shoulder only to be glared by her angry eyes. "Don't you dare touch me", she roared before pushing him away. Balwant Uncle was quick to his side, helping him gain footing. "Behave yourself, Brat", he had admonished his daughter. More than scolding, she was hurt by her father's care of Shaurya than her. "You never cared about me", she tearfully accused her after and then yelled at her new husband,  "I will never let you live in peace, you Bas*ard".

Peace. Shauyra realised that he was devoid of peace from that very moment. She was true to her words. Even when he relished his win over Mehek as she lay haplessly under his care, he was not at peace. Perhaps he was joyful but never peaceful. One way or other, Mehek still managed to have last laugh. But did she? He was still unsure. They both suffered in their own way. He still reasoned that his side weighed more. However she also didn't have a smooth ride. He was poor and taken advantage of while she couldn't live the life she wanted despite being rich.

Despair drove Mehek to blindly take the path of evil, destroying everything on the way. Shaurya was least of her priorities. She lost her father, man she loved and chance of motherhood. In total, she lost more than Shaurya ever gained. He was supposed to feel pity on her. However he couldn't still forgive her. Even her death couldn't atone her sin of killing an innocent baby. Mayhap end of her life may compensate a bit. A life for a life. In due time, he may be able to forgive. 

Can he see a light at the end of the tunnel? Not yet . In spite of all his efforts, he was unable to overcome his fear of her death. The sinister loneliness that awaits him as soon as Mehek succumbs. 

He pulled out sleeping pills from the medicine box. He seldom sought help from pills but tonight he needed to sleep for hours. Apparently, an unpleasant news will be awaiting him once he wakes up. Until then he wanted to sleep soundly. He took an additional one just to prolong hours of his sleep. He lay down on his bed, closing his eyes. He folded his hands to send a short prayer. Before he could chant coherently, his eyes started to droop. Before sleep conquered him, he surrendered to the fact that his life will be changed drastically next day. 

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