20. Frenemy

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"Thanks for helping me out", Shayara spoke timidly, embarrassment brimmed in each word. Shaurya tried hard to act neutral but it was next to impossible. It was an unfortunate coincidence to meet widow of her wife's lover, once again amidst chaos. Although they were not exactly amicable he couldn't turn a blind eye to a hapless women who fell unconscious in the lobby of a posh hotel. When he decided not to stand as a mute spectator but help her, crowd adorned him as the good samaritan, leading him to be whisked away into the ambulance and further to the hospital. 

"How are you feeling now?", Shaurya politely enquired. "My sugar level got low", Shayara explained embarrassingly, "I usually take care of my diet but past week has been hectic". "Happens", he gave a short nod of understanding, "hospital has already informed your family". She nodded without giving hint that she was already aware of it. 

Couple of minutes ticked away in silence, until Shaurya decided to converse. Afterall, he held no grudge against the poor widow. He was sure neither did she. "How are you, Mrs. Mirza? I mean how's is it going since....the ", he asked her carefully, avoiding any embarrassment. She smiled softly , "I am now Mrs Akhtar", she corrected him, "I got remarried few year sback". Although surprised, he tried to mask it and treated the information as a matter of fact. 

Shaurya glance his watch multiple times within couple of minutes. "I guess, I will make a move", he tried to bid farewell. "Please stay for some time:, she explained swiftly, "My husband Haider will be here soon. He had gone to pick our kids". He was unable to refuse her request. Besides he had an eerie feeling that Shayara wanted to tell him something. "do you have another son or daughter?", he asked casually as he sat back. "Haider has a son with his late wife", she blinked away a quick tear, "Because of my past mistakes, I cannot conceive anymore. But we are happy in our little world. Haider and me, we love our kids equally".

Even when curious, Shaurya refrained from probing further into their personal matter. But as if expected", Shayara spoke,  "Mehek once warned me I will regret", she bit down her sob,"I do regret but it was not entirely my fault". As soon as Mehek's name came out of her mouth, he was unable to hold himself. "What are you saying?", he asked her quickly, "How is Mehek involved?"

Pain was evident in Shayara's face still she was determined to let it out, "Azaan never had any intention to divorce me. He wanted to enjoy both worlds, keeping Mehek aside as his lover while staying married to me. Mehek was foolish enough to believe otherwise", she scoffed but tears brimmed in eyes, "By the time, I got pregnant again I had seen through his pretences". Her hands shivered as it moved towards glass of water kept aside. After gulping the content, she told him, "I had to escape from the toxic marriage, for saving myself and my daughter. Morever I wanted to make him pay. Azaan wanted an heir from me. A son. What could be a better revenge than taking away that pleasure from him", she sobbed, "in my angst I took the wrong path".

"Mehek was the other women. Typically the vamp in my story", Shayara mocked herself, "but she was a mere fool who fell into clutches of a vile man. When she knew about my abortion, she came running to the hospital to stop me. She was even ready to break up with Azaan". Shaurya stood frozen, intuiting about where her story is going to end. "But it was too late", she sighed, "she scolded me severely. But I fought with her, taunted her as a home breaker.  I even dared her to spill the beans to Azaan, even if it will jeopardise my safety. In fact I expected her to drive final nail to my ruin". "But she didn't", Shaurya was angry but sounded calm, "she protected mother of a innocent girl from wrath of an angry man". He had already deduced Mehek had swapped names at the clinic to save Shayara.

He stood up abruptly to leave but her words tried to hold him back, "I was upset and afraid. Being married to a cheater who didn't care a bit about me or my daughter, it was insufferable to bear him another child. I even risked my health being stubborn. I was blinded with fury and agony". He tried his best not to lash out at her, "Why are you explaining yourself to me? I have no part in your love triangle". "I wish atleast you can understand my side. We both where betrayed by our spouses", Shayara spoke emotionally,"mine was worse". 

As Shauyra stayed without uttering a word, she went on, "In past, I was unable to understand why Mehek helped me, neither can I comprehend what occurred between Mehek and Azaan that night when accident happened", she sighed deeply, "but I moved ahead for sake of my daughter and all worked out in favour for me". "I know why she helped you", he could understand that Mehek didn't want another daughter to lose her mother. "Please thank Mehek on my behalf", she begged, "I have cursed and badmouthed her a lot in past but now I realise that I owe her". "You better stay out of her life, Mrs Akhtar. She is far safer when away from people like you", with those words , he stormed out of the room.

"How did your day go?", Shaurya surprised Mehek again with his caring gesture. She wished to believe that her efforts to work on their marriage was not futile yet didn't dare to give herself false hope. He offered her hot mocha which she grabbed happily. "My day was boring", she complained plainly, "nothing much to do here". "Do you want to go for a drive?", he offered while gesturing to his car keys. "I would love to", she enthusiastically replied. Before they could leave, his phone rang informing about an important work. "I am sorry, Mehek", he felt weary while apologising because he was sincere now, "Something came up. I promise to take you tomorrow". A wave of sorrow flashed across her eyes which she hide skilfully. Unlike previous times, her sadness didn't give him any pleasure. He genuinely wanted to take her out but was helpless. "How about we go on a short trip this weekend?", he tried to compensate. "Really?", she almost jumped with joy, "where?"

Shaurya thought for some time, "Farm house? You used to love spending summer holidays there". Mehek nodded her head vigorously, "Shall we take Nehal, Uncle and Aunty? A family trip". "Sure, let me ask my assistant to make necessary arrangements", he quickly texted before he forgets. "Bye Mehek", he pecked her forehead, "Don't wait for me. Have dinner and sleep early". She nodded but he knew she will be awake until he comes back home. "Mehek, I insist", he told a bit firmly, "I will be really late". She pouted, making him laugh, "if you be a good girl and sleep early, we will go for a morning walk together". She was quick to pounce on the offer.

As Shuarya drove away , he felt lighter as if a huge boulder has been lifted off conscience. He was able to let go off the bitterness, he had for Mehek. Everything else in their past was justifiable owing to her spoiled upbringing and temperament nature. He was still unsure whether they can be together as husband & wife, yet he was unable to ignore her sincere efforts win him over. He felt free breaking chains of vengeance that he had imprisoned himself. 

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